Washington DC - The Washington Center
This program offers students from all majors the opportunity to take part in a nearly full-time for-credit internship in Washington, DC. Students gain fundamental skills through a unique integration of academics and real-world experience.
- Based in Washington, DC
- Fall or Spring semester
- Enrollment caps may be limited to less than 15 per semester based on space limitations.
- Pre-requisites: 3.0 GPA; one college-level course that prepares the student for their academic track in Washington
- Internship based program
- Live in program residence/apartments
- Explore estimated additional costs for this program and others.
Apply to study/intern in Washington D.C.
Location Academics Housing Calendar Orientation Program Contacts
The Washington Center program is based in the capital of the United States, Washington, DC. The city has a rich history as the home to the federal government as well as a significant cultural history with museums. parks, and monuments.
The Washington Center offers students from US and overseas institutions the opportunity to live, work and study for a semester in Washington DC at their Washington DC program. The program components are:
- An internship suited to academic and professional interests in the DC area from Monday through Thursday (4 days a week)
- See examples of sample internship sites
- Coursework that complements internship placements and meets one evening per week
- Throughout the semester students develop a portfolio to document, analyze and reflect on their experiences
- Career Readiness Programming provides a flexible range of workshops, one-on-one career advising, and networking events to meet students where they are prepare them for post-graduate job searches.
Students receive 4 SLU units during their study at TWC program. The internship course counts for 2 units. The Career Readiness Program and the elective course during the week each count for 1 SLU unit.
Once students find the TWC courses they are planning to take, they can look up the course catalog at the SLU APR to find SLU equivalent courses for credit transfer. For courses that are not pre-approved, students will need to email the department chair for the course major/minor approval. Students will need to fill out the Course Approval Request form found on their Studio Abroad applications to ensure courses transfer.
All students will stay in a state-of-the-art residential and academic facility near Capitol Hill.
See the Washington Center's website for program dates. The Fall semester typically begins in late August and ends in early December. The Spring semester typically begins in late January and ends in early May.
Pre-departure: The CIIS office organizes in-depth orientation sessions on-campus prior to the student's participation in the program. This includes a program-specific session(s) in which the students will learn more about the program, local culture, academic expectations, and any other important information. There is also an orientation session led by the CIIS office on culture shock as well as safety and security while abroad.
Program Contacts
If you are interested in learning more about The Washington Center program please contact one of the following people.
CIIS Office: Kim Longfellow, Assistant Director of Off-Campus Programs - Questions about eligibility, program logistics, and other off-campus opportunities.
Faculty Coordinator: Dr.James Sieja - Questions about program academics.