About the Department

Major and minor are offered, as well as K-12 teaching certification in conjunction with the Education Department.  Professors: Schulenberg, Limouze (retired), Udechukwu (retired); Associate Professors: Basu, Dane (Budget Co-Chair), Denaci, Hauber (retired); Assistant Professor: Knobel (Administrative Co-Chair)

St. Lawrence University’s Department of Art and Art History offers courses that lead to the B.A. degree with concentrations in studio art, art history, or a combined concentration. Studio art courses provide students with grounding in the technical, aesthetic and critical aspects of artistic production and exhibition; study in art history provides students with the methodological and critical tools for the analysis of visual culture and its role in history. The study of art and art history is central to a liberal arts education, especially in a world increasingly shaped by images and seemingly endless visual information.

Creative process, technique and content are taught concurrently throughout all of the studio classes. Courses include digital and traditional artistic media. Art history courses range from the ancient Mediterranean, Asia and Africa through the western world, from the Middle Ages to postmodernism. Both studio and art history courses bring to students an awareness of the philosophical, psychological and cultural bases from which works of art take shape.

As a complement to the art and art history program, the Richard F. Brush Art Gallery sponsors a program of thematic and contemporary exhibitions, including faculty and alumni exhibitions and annual student shows. Students are often employed in the gallery program, so that they may develop a working knowledge of aspects of gallery management, including registration, installation, conservation, and writing informational materials for exhibitions.