Global Economy, Technology & Development

St. Lawrence University offers a Business in the Liberal Arts double major, together with an Economics major and a Global Studies major, which help students understand the functions of markets and other economic and policy-making institutions and their importance for economic and social outcomes by providing students with opportunities to learn and communicate economic ideas through writing, speaking, critical thinking and engaging in independent research. Math, Computer Science and Statistics majors also provide students with training in analytical reasoning, data analysis, programming, and data structures. This rich background is an increasingly valuable skill for students entering the workforce today. 

Global Economy, Technology & Development are also studied off-campus at these global locations:

  • Austria: Global economy
  • China CIEE: Global economy
  • China XJTLU: Global economy, technology
  • Costa Rica: Eco-tourism
  • Czech Republic: Economic transformation
  • Germany: Business,  technology
  • Italy (Sorrento): Economic transformation
  • Japan:  Global economy, technology
  • Kenya: Economic Development, independent Studies/internships (open to all majors), NGOs, unemployment, foreign investment
  • London:  Global economy, unions, banking, arts funding, internships possible in media, public relations, event planning, finance, publishing, risk management
  • Spain: Global economy, historical industrial weakness, anti-austerity
  • Thailand: Mekong fisheries, growth triangles