Courtney Lynn


Name: Courtney Lynn '24 (she/her)


Hometown: Wilbraham, Massachusetts

Majors: Communications & Spanish

Off-Campus Study Program: Spain Semester Program, Fall 2022

What was your favorite course you took off campus? Masters of the Spanish School - Art History

Tell us more about your off-campus study experience! Studying abroad, as cliché as it sounds, was one of the best experiences of my life. Coming from a small town and SLU, life in Madrid was new and exciting. This experience gave me a chance to develop real-life skills, like navigating public transportation on my own, and academic opportunities to explore new areas of interest. The immersion in the culture was also a huge draw of the program to me. My host family treated me like a daughter and was so helpful and supportive. I really can't speak highly enough of the program and the opportunities studying abroad provides.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone studying off-campus or thinking about studying off-campus? My biggest piece of advice is to go into your semester abroad prepared and ready to embrace change. There are likely going to be challenges you face during your time, and being prepared for that can make all the difference. Culture shock is defiantly real, but it is no reason to shy away from going abroad. Reading up on your destination so you understand what to expect can make the transition much smoother when you actually get there. Also, don't forget to check out research/enrichment grants before you go!

Ask me about! 

  • maintaining mental/physical health
  • homesickness, athletics, culture shock/adaptation
  • interested but hesitant about studying off-campus
  • language barrier concerns