
Active Filters

  • Environmental Studies
  1. Laura Bolduc and Lisa Torrey.

    How a Student Used Machine Learning to Shed Light on North Country Wildlife

    Leveraging her passion for the environment and curiosity for computer science, Laura Bolduc ’24 dug into a research project that helped her capture a new perspective on wildlife in the North Country.

  2. Antun Husinec, Evelyn Jennings, Michael Schuckers, Michael Wairungu, Matt Carotenuto, Jennifer Hansen, Damon Berry, Atal Ahmadzai, Caitlin Hatz, Robin Lock, Carolyn Twomey, Matt Carotenuto, Peter Pettengill, Patti Frazer Lock.

    Faculty Focus-October 17, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published journal articles and presented at domestic and international conferences.

  3. Elise Pierson '24, wearing a name badge and a blue Wild Center t shirt, stands in front of an exhibit featuring a glowing globe.

    Inspiring Tomorrow's Climate Leaders as a Wild Center Fellow

    Elise Pierson '24 discovered her passion for climate justice right in her hometown over six years ago. In the time since, she's attended multiple climate summits across New York State and served as a youth ambassador to the United Nations global climate conference.

  4. Serge Onyper, Kristin McKie, Atal Ahmadzai, David Murphy, Howard Eissenstat.

    St. Lawrence in the News-September 12, 2022

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  5. Alanna Gillis, RafaeL Castillo, Zachary McGee,  Michael Wairungu, Bob Cowser, Matt Carotenuto, Peter Pettengill, Brook Henkel, Yesim Bayear.

    Faculty Focus-August 22, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published research articles, presented at conferences, and served as expert panelists and podcast guests.

  6. Peter Pettengill, Marina Llorente, Jeff Frank, Kris Hoffman, Melissa Schulenberg, Joseph Jockey, Judith DeGroat, and Alan Draper.

    St. Lawrence in the News-July 25, 2022

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  7. Student board game and chocolate wrappers

    The World According to Chocolate

    Deborah Dudley

    How the Forrest E. Mars, Jr. Chocolate History Research 
Grant was a passport to understanding everything.

  8. Jon Rosales and a fellow research, wearing royal blue rain jackets, stand in a field of green grass and white flowers. Large snowcapped mountains are in the distance.

    NSF Grant Supports St. Lawrence Climate Research

    St. Lawrence received three NSF grants this year. A professor and student will use a $78,872 grant to travel—twice—to the Arctic’s Bering Sea Region and study the traditional ecological knowledge of the Siberian Yupik tribe.

  9. Alexander Stewart, Matt Carotenuto, Bob Cowser, Howard Eissenstat, Paul Doty, and David Murphy.

    Faculty Focus–July 11, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty weighed in on current events as podcast guests, published journal articles with alumni, presented papers at international conferences, and shared their passion for poetry in published works.