St. Lawrence in the News-September 12, 2022
This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.
Howard Eissenstat

Associate Professor of History Howard Eissenstat weighed in on anti-refugee sentiments in Turkey in an article published by on Sept. 5 and on Aug. 21.
“Nativism is deeply embedded into the sense of who Turks are. When people in Turkey think about fraternal relations, they think of about Muslims in the Russian empire, in the Balkans— they really don’t think about the Muslims of the Ottoman Middle East,” said Eissenstat.
Eissenstat's recent work has focused increasingly on contemporary Turkish domestic and foreign policy, especially on issues of rule-of-law, minority rights, and the reshaping of political culture under the Justice and Development Party (AKP). At St. Lawrence, he teaches courses on Middle Eastern history and politics and in the First-Year Seminar (FYS). In addition to traditional academic work, Eissenstat served for over a decade as a Turkey Country Specialist for Amnesty International-USA. He has lectured at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. military, and the Canadian Foreign Service Institute, as well as given testimony to the Canadian Senate and offered briefings to Congressional Committees.
David Murphy

New research conducted by Associate Professor of Environmental Studies David Murphy and a team of energy experts that confirms solar wind and batteries have been outperforming conventional power plants based on fossil fuel resources was featured in an article published by on Aug. 31.
Murphy is an environmental scientist whose recent work analyzes the impact that the current renewable energy policies in New York State may have on greenhouse gas emissions and the energy return on investment of the electrical grid system. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in Environmental Science from the State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from The College of the Holy Cross.
Serge Onyper

Research conducted by James R. Wallace Associate Professor of Psychology Serge Onyper and St. Lawrence students that found chewing gum moments before an exam helped improve the cognitive ability of students was cited in an article published by on Aug. 19.
Onyper holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Syracuse University.
Atal Ahmadzai

In recognition of the first anniversary of the fall of Kabul, Visiting Assistant Professor of Government Atal Ahmadzai argued that Afghanistan is embracing ethnic-based dynamic in an article published by on Aug. 16.
Ahmadzai’s research focuses on the thematic intersection of environment-conflict-development. His scholarly publications are in the areas of human development, global governance, and terrorism. His regional expertise is in South, Central, and Western Asia. Ahmadzai holds a Ph.D. in Global Affairs from Rutgers University.
Kristin McKie

Associate Professor of Government & African Studies Kristin McKie weighed in on the Biden administration’s change in rhetoric and tone compared to past administration’s Sub-Saharan Africa Strategy during an interview with Voice of America on Aug. 15.
At St. Lawrence, McKie teaches classes in Comparative Politics, African Politics, Foreign Aid, Political Institutions, Alternative Justice Systems, Representations of Africa, and other topics, many of which are cross-listed between Government and African Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University.
Tomáš Mazura ’25
Saints men’s hockey player Tomáš Mazura ’25 was featured in an article about National Hockey League (NHL) prospects published by on Aug. 11.
“Tomáš is a talented young man and brings experience at the college level, as a transfer from Providence College,” said Saints Men’s Hockey Coach Brent Brekke. “He is a skilled playmaker at the centerman position. Tomáš moves well and thinks the game at a high level. He creates a lot of offense on odd man situations with his vision and stick skills.”
Mazura is a member of St. Lawrence’s Class of 2025.
Camilla Ammirati
This summer, Co-Director of the Sustainability Program and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the First-Year Program Camilla Ammirati wrote a column about the work of Catherine Bennett ’16, a regenerative agriculturalist who focuses on native and unusual varieties of root crops, that was published in the print piece, Voices: The Journal of New York Folklore.
Ammirati’s research focuses on North Country folklife and cultural traditions, with particular attention to the intersections between regional foodways, other cultural arts and practices, and questions of sustainability.
Submit Media Mentions
St. Lawrence in the News is a roundup that features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets. Submit media mentions for potential inclusion in an upcoming edition of St. Lawrence in the News.