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- Sustainability
A generous gift from Class of 1964 alum Harvey Meer has tripled the number of electric vehicle charging stations on campus, supports St. Lawrence’s sustainability goals, and furthers the University’s commitment to environmental stewardship.
For nearly a decade, Nature Up North has connected people to the environment through citizen scientist projects and outdoor adventures. By engaging in hands-on activities and research, the community-based program, funded by support from Laurentians and foundations, has helped many discover the importance of protecting the wild things and places that call the North Country, "home."
Immediately following Commencement in May, St. Lawrence University will begin a $30 million investment in facilities, with a priority on renovating residence halls and other student spaces to enhance the living-learning experience for students.
President Morris reflects on the accomplishments of the St. Lawrence University community since her inauguration and shares her strategic framework for the future.
Stewart’s Shops and the Dake family deepen commitment to internships and Nature Up North Program
We inaugurated our 19th president, put Laurentian generosity to work for our students, cheered on nine Saints at the Olympics, celebrated 50 years of partnership in Kenya, and so much more. Here's a recap of the top stories from St. Lawrence University in 2022.
This summer Jessica Normandeau ’15 set sail on her newest business venture: captain of a 32-foot vessel in Bristol Bay, Alaska. With grueling 18-hour workdays and a lot of creative problem solving, she’s part of a small percentage of women sustainably harvesting fish from the world’s largest, completely wild, sockeye salmon run.
St. Lawrence received three NSF grants this year. A professor and student will use a $78,872 grant to travel—twice—to the Arctic’s Bering Sea Region and study the traditional ecological knowledge of the Siberian Yupik tribe.
Three St. Lawrence students have secured Chocolate Passport grant funding to support projects examining sustainable cacao agroforestry, consumer responsibility, and medicinal and pharmaceutical uses of cacao.