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  • History
  1. Alexander Stewart, Matt Carotenuto, Bob Cowser, Howard Eissenstat, Paul Doty, and David Murphy.

    Faculty Focus–July 11, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty weighed in on current events as podcast guests, published journal articles with alumni, presented papers at international conferences, and shared their passion for poetry in published works.

  2. A collage of Peter Pettengill, Kristine Hoffmann, Howard Eissenstat, a Saint Lawrence student, and Matthew Skeels.

    St. Lawrence in the News-June 27, 2022

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  3. Liz Regosin.

    Class of 2022 Recognizes History Professor with Outstanding Faculty Award

    Members of St. Lawrence University’s Class of 2022 nominated and selected Charles A. Dana Professor of History Liz Regosin to receive the 2022 Owen D. Young Outstanding Faculty Award. 

  4. Sara Ashpole, John Collins, Michael Schuckers, Melissane Schrems, Ryan Deuel, Dennis Simiyu, Rafael Castillo Bejarano, Peter Pettingill, Alessandro Giardino.

    Faculty Focus–May 9, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published research articles with student co-authors and shared their novels and research findings during conferences and events around the globe. 

  5. Phil Duggan sits on a leather chair in front of a bookcase and several rows of red, leather-bound books.

    Capitalizing on St. Lawrence’s Connection to Cornell Law School: Phil Duggan '15

    Phil Duggan ’15 earned his J.D. from Cornell Law School in 2021, thanks to the St. Lawrence University-Cornell Law School Scholarship. While interviewing for his first jobs in the legal field, he found himself returning to his multifaceted St. Lawrence experiences as evidence of his ability to embrace challenges, adapt to new environments, and learn on the fly.

  6. Antun Husinec, Madeleine Wong, Dan Look, Sarah Brehm, Rafael Castillo Bejarano, Pedro Ponce, Alanna Gillis, Howard Eissenstat, Jayantha Jayman, Susan Wilson, Jeff Frank.

    Faculty Focus-April 18, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published scholarly journal articles, presented their research at conferences around the globe, and used their expertise to give Congressional testimonies.

  7. Ronnie Olesker, Ken Okoth, Eddie Fettucci, Sydney Peterson, Saints Baseball, Howard Eissenstat.

    St. Lawrence in the News-April 11, 2022

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  8. Peter Ladd, Natalia Singer, Howard Eissenstat, Sahar Milani, Ryan Deuel, Cynthia Bansak, Laura Rediehs, Joseph Jockel, Erica Morrell, Damon Berry, and Ronnie Olesker.

    Faculty Focus-March 28, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty presented at conferences, served as panelists, weighed in on current events as podcast guests, and published journal articles, essays, and books.