Off-Campus Study Policies & Procedures

The Center for International and Intercultural Studies maintains a list of off-campus programs approved or operated by St. Lawrence. “SLU Signature programs” are those programs owned and operated by St. Lawrence University, including our programs in Kenya, Spain, France, New York City, and London. “SLU Partner programs” are programs that are owned and operated by other universities or study abroad program providers, and St. Lawrence has rigorously evaluated and chosen to affiliate. St. Lawrence policies and procedures are designed to create a fair and equitable system so that all qualified students can have the opportunity to participate in off-campus study during their SLU career. 

Read through the below guidelines closely to determine your eligibility, and gain insights on building a competitive application for admission. 

Eligibility and Enrollment Guidelines 

  • All qualified and currently enrolled, full-time students may apply to study off-campus. 

  • Seniors wishing to study off-campus in their final semester before graduation must complete a "graduation check" form within their application. 

  • Students may study off-campus for a maximum of two semester programs or one program for an academic year.  

    • At least one of these two semesters must be through a SLU Signature program. 

    • Students may participate on a maximum of one SLU Partner program. 

  • Students cannot participate on two programs in back-to-back/sequential semesters. This includes studying off-campus during the Spring semester and following Fall semester.  

  • Students can participate on multiple summer and short term programs without limitation. 

  • Enrollment caps for SLU Partner programs do not normally exceed 15 qualified students per semester and are listed on the program specific page.  SLU signature programs can usually accommodate higher enrollments.  

  • Program-specific GPA and academic requirements vary by program. If you do not currently meet the a program's GPA, please schedule a meeting with a CIIS advisor to discuss further.

  • Students currently on disciplinary, social, or academic probation are not eligible to apply for, or participate in, an off-campus program or any other SLU program. 


  • All applications for summer, semester, and academic year off-campus study must be submitted through Studio Abroad by 11:59PM on the day of the stated deadline.  

  • No late applications will be accepted. 

  • Candidates must present a coherent academic rationale for participation in a particular program and a record of academic performance that demonstrates ability to meet the challenges of off-campus study. Students should be aware that the selection committee considers closely the candidate's rationale for participation and academic record as a whole. Candidates for off-campus programs must also present evidence of maturity, responsibility and cultural sensitivity. 

  • Students must be enrolled full-time on campus in the semester in which they apply for off-campus study.  Students on leave or already studying off-campus are not eligible to participate in off-campus study in the following semester. 

  • Students may apply to one program per cycle.

    • In their application, students will be asked to list two alternate program choices. 

    • One of the alternate program choices must be a SLU Signature Program. 

    • One of the alternate program choices may also be the same program as their application but in an alternate semester. (Ex. a student applies to Kenya in the Fall semester; one of their alternate choices may be Kenya in the Spring semester.)

    • Although students will list their alternate choices in program, they will be offered a place (if accepted) to only one program.

    • Students who are admitted to their alternate program choice may not petition for admission into their first-choice program.

    • Programs do not have a wait-list.  

  • Students seeking to participate on a second off-campus semester must have an especially strong academic rationale for doing so.  Among equally-qualified applicants, preference is normally given to those who have not had prior off-campus study experience over those who have studied off-campus previously, and to those who are more advanced in their studies and will not have future opportunities for off-campus study.  

  • Acceptance to SLU Partner programs is preliminary and requires final approval of our partner institutions. Partner institutions have the right to refuse admittance without recourse to appeal. 

  • If a student is denied admission to off-campus study, they may appeal only if they can provide new information not available to the original selection committee which directly addresses the reasons for rejection. Students cannot appeal for space beyond an enrollment cap. 

Cost and Financial Aid 

  • Students admitted to SLU Signature programs or SLU Partner programs will continue to pay regular SLU tuition, room, and board costs (i.e. the SLU Comprehensive Fee). 

  • All financial aid outside work-study transfers directly to off-campus study. 

  • If a SLU Partner program does not provide full board coverage, a portion of the student’s board may be remitted to help defray the costs of meals. 

  • For additional costs beyond tuition, room and board, students may apply for additional financial aid. Awards are competitive, based on financial need, and funding is limited. 

For additional information on the costs associated with off-campus study see  Costs & Funding Resources. 

Programs not Already Approved for Off-Campus Study (Non-SLU) 

Students wishing to study and receive credit on a semester program not approved or operated by St. Lawrence University (Non-SLU programs) must discuss their interest with the Director of Off-Campus Programs. Students who apply to a Non-SLU program must follow St. Lawrence Off-Campus Study application procedures including submitting their application in Studio Abroad by the February 1st deadline, and the sponsoring institution’s application procedures. The Committee on International and Intercultural Studies or its delegates will review all applications to Non-SLU programs after the February 1st deadline.  

Successful applicants for Non-SLU semester programs must meet several requirements in order for their applications to be approved. 

  • Students must have a record of academic performance that demonstrates their ability to meet the challenges of off-campus study without the academic and other support that SLU offers on campus and on its programs; a GPA of at least 3.0 is required.  

  • The application should also show evidence of independence, responsibility, maturity and cultural sensitivity. 

  • Students wishing to study in countries where St. Lawrence maintains a program, or in countries with a comparable language and culture base, must have extraordinarily compelling reasons why their academic interests are significantly better served by an alternate program. 

Students should also be aware of the differences in financial and credit policies for Non-SLU programs: 

  • Unlike approved programs, any credit earned on Non-SLU programs will be transfer credit (not residence credit) and will not be included in student’s quality point average. 

  • St. Lawrence’s financial aid will not transfer to Non-SLU programs, and students must check with the Financial Aid Office to confirm the status of their federal and state aid and loans. 

  • Students participating in Non-SLU programs are not eligible to apply for additional airfare assistance or additional financial aid. 

  • Students are responsible for understanding what constitutes a full course load of credit on their program and they must obtain approval for all courses. 

  • The student is responsible for understanding the requirements for entry and residence in their host country, including any visas and immunizations. 

I Understand These Policies and Would Like to Apply to a Non-SLU Program 

Participation While on a Leave of Absence 

The CIIS office defines an off-campus program as an accredited, semester-long off-campus experience designed to earn university credit (domestic and international programs). Off-campus programs also include enrollment as a visiting student in university courses outside of the student’s country of citizenship/permanent residency. Students who enroll in and attend an off-campus program without applying in Studio Abroad and/or without the approval of the Committee on International and Intercultural Studies will be assumed to have taken a Leave of Absence from the University. They may be approved to transfer a maximum of one course to St. Lawrence University. 

The policies above apply to enrolling in coursework while participating on an off-campus program (as defined above) during the fall or spring semesters. If you are planning to enroll in courses directly through a university in the United States or the country of your citizenship/permanent residence during a semester Leave of Absence (ex. enrolling in a community college course in your hometown), this may fall under the category of transferring credit. Please see the Registrar and Academic Advising’s policies on Transfer Credit Approval.

Summer/Short-term Programs 

  • Students can participate on multiple summer or short-term SLU programs without restrictions. 

  • Students wishing to study at a foreign institution or on a Non-SLU study abroad program during the summer should consult with the Registrar to arrange for transfer credit for summer school. 

Petition Process 

St. Lawrence policies and procedures are designed to create a fair and equitable system so that all qualified students can have the opportunity to participate in off-campus study. In rare circumstances, a student can petition for an exception to one of the below policies. Students must provide clear and compelling evidence of extreme academic and/or personal hardship as to why they should be granted a waiver for SLU policies and procedures governing off-campus study.   

Petitions will only be considered for the following policies:

  • Participation in two off-campus programs in sequential semesters 
  • Participation in two partner programs 

Students are required to first meet with a CIIS staff member to assess whether their academic goals can be achieved within existing SLU policies and procedures governing off-campus study.  

Petitions will be reviewed by a CIIS committee on a rolling basis up until December 5th.  Students are encouraged to submit their petition materials as early as possible so they can plan accordingly. 

Since petitions are only granted for extreme academic and/or personal hardship, students should prepare a back-up plan if their petition cannot be granted. 

Petitions should be in a narrative form and make a clear and compelling case of extreme hardship and why they cannot meet their academic goals while following SLU policies and procedures governing off-campus study.  

All petitions must also include a letter of support from the student’s academic advisor. It is important to share a copy of your petition with your advisor well in advance of the deadline and arrange for them to send a separate letter via email to CIIS. 

All petition materials should be sent to (no later than December 5th)