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  • Biology
  1. A collage of Peter Pettengill, Kristine Hoffmann, Howard Eissenstat, a Saint Lawrence student, and Matthew Skeels.

    St. Lawrence in the News-June 27, 2022

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  2. A student in a lab looks into a microscope.

    Get to Know St. Lawrence's New Biomedical Sciences Major

    St. Lawrence’s new biomedical sciences major is hands-on, experiential, versatile, and designed for students who are curious to explore big questions regarding health and disease. Associate Professor of Biology Karin Heckman and Sarah Johnson ’82 Professor of Biology and Psychology Ana Estevez illuminated the benefits of majoring in biomedical sciences at a liberal arts institution, shared what makes St. Lawrence’s program unique, and illustrated how faculty and staff will support their students’ wide range of possible career aspirations.

  3. black cat wearing a colorful cat collar standing in window

    Margaret “Maggie” Jensen ’20 and Assoc. Prof. Susan Willson Publish Article

    Margaret “Maggie” Jensen ’20 and Assoc. Professor Susan Willson recently published the article “ How Effective Is the Birdsbesafe® Cat Collar at Reducing Bird Kills by Domestic Cats?” in the Journal...

  4. Antun Husinec, Madeleine Wong, Dan Look, Sarah Brehm, Rafael Castillo Bejarano, Pedro Ponce, Alanna Gillis, Howard Eissenstat, Jayantha Jayman, Susan Wilson, Jeff Frank.

    Faculty Focus-April 18, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published scholarly journal articles, presented their research at conferences around the globe, and used their expertise to give Congressional testimonies.

  5. Congratulations Spring 2022 Beta Beta Beta Inductees!

    Several students were inducted into the biological sciences honor society Beta Beta Beta, which recognizes students majoring in biology who have an exceptional academic standing.

  6. A student peers into a microscope while working in a science lab.

    St. Lawrence Adds New Biomedical Sciences Major

    St. Lawrence University has created a new bachelor’s degree program in biomedical sciences, preparing graduates for careers in health, medicine, or research through interdisciplinary learning and individualized career preparation.

  7. Do you love Field Biology? Apply for the Crowell Field Study Award

    Funding for off-campus study in Natural History and Ecology Funding is available for off-campus study in field biology to Biology and Conservation Biology major(s) showing promise in Natural History...

  8. Two students sit on a red couch in a bright, airy study space with lots of windows. They both type on laptops.

    On the Right Track: Pre-Health Mentoring at St. Lawrence

    Can an undergraduate education from a liberal arts school prepare students for a career in healthcare? For Grace Smith ’22, the answer is an emphatic “yes.”