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  • Religious Studies
  1. Religious Studies Professor Mark MacWilliams authors book chapter

    Kristen Whittier

    Religious Studies Professor Mark MacWilliams has authored a chapter in the new book Comics, Culture, and Religion: Faith Imagined, edited by Kees de Groot, Tilburg University, and The Netherlands.

  2. Students standing in front of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington D.C.

    On and Off Capitol Hill, Students Practice High-Impact Careers Through D.C. Internships

    Every year, Laurentians headed for summer internships in Washington D.C. pack their best business attire, prepare to navigate the Metro system, and tap their networks to find temporary housing in our nation’s capital city. Many of these students got their first taste of living and working in D.C. while on a SLU Connect networking trip earlier in the year.

  3. Damon Berry.

    Dr. Damon Berry, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, writes new book

    Mary Ann Gera

    Available Jul 27, 2023 Dr. Berry examines how leaders within the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a charismatically inclined Evangelical movement, claim their support for Trump came from alleged...

  4. Hannah Eliason, SLU Alum, writes article for Harvard Divinity School

    Hannah Eliason

    The Reality of Harvard’s Commitment to Indigenous Repatriation By Hannah Eliason, Contributing Opinion Writer Hannah Eliason is a first-year master’s student in Theological Studies at the Harvard...

  5. Antun Husinec, Evelyn Jennings, Michael Schuckers, Michael Wairungu, Matt Carotenuto, Jennifer Hansen, Damon Berry, Atal Ahmadzai, Caitlin Hatz, Robin Lock, Carolyn Twomey, Matt Carotenuto, Peter Pettengill, Patti Frazer Lock.

    Faculty Focus-October 17, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published journal articles and presented at domestic and international conferences.

  6. Four faculty and staff members gather for a group photo in a bright wooded area on campus.

    Faculty and Staff Honored, Awarded Promotions at Annual Convocation Ceremony

    To mark the beginning of a new academic year and celebrate the contributions of all members of the St. Lawrence community, the University honored several employees with awards for their outstanding service and recognized a number of faculty who earned tenure and promotions during their annual Convocation event. The ceremony was held outside in the Herring-Cole Grove on Wednesday, August 25. 

  7. Peter Ladd, Natalia Singer, Howard Eissenstat, Sahar Milani, Ryan Deuel, Cynthia Bansak, Laura Rediehs, Joseph Jockel, Erica Morrell, Damon Berry, and Ronnie Olesker.

    Faculty Focus-March 28, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty presented at conferences, served as panelists, weighed in on current events as podcast guests, and published journal articles, essays, and books.

  8. damon3

    Publication of Chapter Abstract by Dr. Damon Berry

    Damon Berry, Professor of Religious Studies, was chosen to write a chapter for the book “ The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Secrecy”, by Hugh B. Urban and Paul Christopher Johnson. Below, please...