Mariam Waqar Khattak '23

Name: Mariam Waqar Khattak
Class Year: 2023
Major(s): Global studies and English
Minor(s): Francophone studies
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home: Pakistan
Extra-Curricular Activities: treasurer for A.S.I.A club, Vice President for Environmental Action Organisation, member of Weave news, Peer Advisor for CIIS
Campus-Community Partnerships(s): 
Fun fact: I can read and write 3 different scripts: Latin, Arabic and Mandarin

Why did you choose SLU?
 I chose SLU for its focus on a liberal arts education and its Global Studies department.

What do you like most/enjoy most about SLU?
I-House Tea Time will always be my favourite.

CBL courses taken:
The Health Initiative

Why did you apply to be a CM:
To get to know the North Country better and encourage my peers to do the same.

Why should every student take a CBL course during their time at SLU?
Living in SLU you don’t realize you are actually in a bubble. It is important to burst that bubble and see the wider community to get a better understanding of where you are located but your own positionality.

As a new CM (and an international student), I am most excited about working within the North country community and getting to know the North country better. I look forward to learning more about Canton history and culture through working with our community partners!