CBL Courses
Community-Based Learning offers CBL-100 in the fall semester only. CBL supports courses from a number of academic departments, and is one way for students to fulfill an experiential learning component requirement of a major or program. CBL is not a general education requirement. CBL also offers students the opportunity to apply for a CBL Independent Study.
Fall 2024
FRPG-1070CBL-01 Food, Self, & Society w/CBL
Instructor: C. Ammirati and A. Harr
Tuesday & Thursday; 8:50am -11:00am
FRPG-1070CBL-02 Rural Dreams w/CBL
Instructor: G. Repicky
Tuesday & Thursday; 8:50am -11:00am
FRPG-1070CBL-03 Wonderland-Diag Alley w/CBL
Instructor: K. Gibson
Tuesday & Thursday; 8:50am -11:00am
AAH-3115 Graphic Design w/CBL
DMF-3115 Graphic Design w/CBL
Instructor: S. Knobel
Tuesday & Thursday; 1:30pm- 4:00pm
ANTH-3080 Unpacking Museums w/CBL
EDUC-3080 Unpacking Museums w/CBL
HIST-3180 Unpacking Museums w/CBL
Instructor: M. Pitre
Wednesday; 1:00pm- 4:00pm
BIOL-304CBL Health Coaches I w/CBL
Instructor: J. Kring
Tuesday; 9:40am-11:10am
Requisites: Pre-reqs: BIOL-101 and BiOL-102 - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CBL-100 Community-Based Learning
Instructor: A. Harr
Thursday; 1:00pm-2:30pm
CBL-3006 Origins of "Identity" w/CBL
CHEM-3006 Origins of "Identity" w/CBL
Instructor: S. Glazier
Monday; 11:40am-3:45pm
PSYC-413 SEM: Community Psychology w/CBL
Instructor: C. Crosby
Monday; 1:00pm-4:00pm
Requisites: Pre-req 1: PSYC-101WL OR PSYC-101NL Pre-req 2: PSYC-205- Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.
SOC-226CBL Sociology of Family w/ CBL
Instructor: A. Gillis
Monday & Wednesday; 12:50pm-2:20pm
Spring 2024
FRPG-2144CBL Chldhd Across Cult'r w/CBL
Instructor: A. Harr
Tuesday & Thursday; 10:10am-12:20pm
FRPG-2148CBL From Farmyard to Pets w/CBL
Instructor: K. Gibson
Tuesday & Thursday; 10:10am-12:20pm
ANTH-440 Writing Culture w/CBL
Instructor: A. Harr
Monday; 1:00pm-4:00pm
BIOL-305CBL Health Coaches II w/CBL
Instructor: J. Kring
Tuesday; 10:10am-11:40am
Pre-req: BIOL-304 or BIOL-304CBL
ENG-366 LS: Planetary Modernisms
Instructor: S. Lee
Monday & Wednesday; 2:30pm-4:00pm
Pre-req: ENG-250 or GS-101 or GS-102
ENVS-3083 Environ Psych & Design
Instructor: K. Coupland
Monday & Wednesday; 2:30pm-4:00pm
ENVS-360NL Sust Agri Systems (ESP)
Instructor: A. Iverson
Tuesday & Thursday; 8:30am-10:00am
PH-3016 Experiential Learning w/CBL
Instructor: L. Clark
Tuesday & Thursday; 12:40pm-2:10pm