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  • Economics
  1. Valerie Lehr, Sahar Milani, Sara Ashpole, Alanna Gillis, Jeff Frank, and Robin Rhodes.

    Faculty Focus - Jan. 17, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published journal articles with alumni, provided insight into personal finance options, and were selected to give the keynote address at an international conference.

  2. Andrew Matthews, Tyler Grochet, and Ben Barba, wearing business attire and hold athletic equipment, stand next to one another on a campus walkway on an overcast day.

    An Ecosystem of Entrepreneurship

    Andrew Matthews ’22 juggles more than schoolwork and co-curriculars during the school year. A business in the liberal arts and economics double major who is also a member of the Saints baseball team, Andrew equally spends his time working on strategy sessions, pitch decks, and public relations for Hoppz, an app he co-founded with friends and brought to life during the pandemic. 

  3. Shuwei Jolly Zhang, Howard Eissenstat, Amir Tayebi, Choong-Soo Lee, Cynthia Bansak, Peter Pettengill, Sun Ki Choi, Melissa Schulenberg, Emre Balicki, and Ivan Ramler.

    Faculty Focus- Dec. 13, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published journal articles with students and alumni, presented scholarly papers at conferences, showcased artwork with alumni, and shared their career journeys with doctoral students. 

  4. Andy Chan '14 Headshot

    Scarlet & Brown Stories Podcast - Episode 7: Andy Chan '14

    In this episode, Andy Chan ’14 shares the impact Laurentians have had on his life both professionally, and personally, and how St. Lawrence has a presence in all aspects of his life. He also shares his experience serving on the St. Lawrence University Board of Trustees as a McCurdy-Sprague trustee.

  5. Five students in business attire with their arms around one another in front of the student center on a sunny day on the Saint Lawrence University campus.

    St. Lawrence University Students Earn Recognition in 2021 National College Fed Challenge

    St. Lawrence University’s Fed Challenge team recently celebrated an impressive showing at this year’s National College Fed Challenge, continuing a tradition of excellence at the competition by demonstrating the power of the liberal arts to equip students with the practical skills they need to tackle real-world problems. The team was a regional finalist in the New York Federal Reserve District’s competitive Liberty Street Division and was one of 18 out of 74 teams to compete in the national semifinals.

  6. Shiru Kimani.

    St. Lawrence Scholar Selected for Prestigious U.S. Department of State Fellowship Program

    Following a highly-competitive nationwide contest, Shiru Kimani ’22 has been selected for the U.S. Department of State Thomas Pickering Fellowship Program, an award that fully funds a two-year master’s degree program for students pursuing a degree relevant to the conduct of U.S. foreign policy.

  7. Jenny Hansen, Rafael Castillo Bejarano, Jeff Frank, Sahar Milani, and Howard Eissenstat.

    Faculty Focus - Nov. 15, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published book chapters and journal articles and used their expertise to provide insight into personal finance options.

  8. Shelley McConnell, Jon Rosales, Hallie Heggeness, Tyler Kearns, Alexandra Hill, and Trent Meyer, Elise Pierson, Howard Eissenstat, Alison Del Rossi, and Alessandro Giardino.

    St. Lawrence in the News - Nov. 15, 2021

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  9. Howard Eissenstat, Chandreyi Basu, David Murphy, Jeff Frank, Cyntha Bansak, and Alexander Stewart.

    Faculty Focus - Oct. 25, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published scholarly articles and book chapters, completed National Science Foundation-funded projects, presented at conferences, and provided insight into global affairs.

  10. A photo collage of Sahar Milani, Julia Gosling, Howard Eissenstat, Kimberly Flint-Hamilton, Sharon Rodriguez, Rafael Escoto, and Rachel Jones.

    St. Lawrence in the News - Oct. 11, 2021

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.