
  1. Book features Chapter by Gallery Director Catherine Tedford

    Gallery Director Catherine Tedford’s project to build a collection and digital archive of street stickers was featured in a chapter of The Social Movement Archive published by Litwin Books.

  2. Anuva Anannya stands next to a microscope in a geology lab.

    McNair Scholar Selected for National Science Foundation Fellowship

    Following a competitive nationwide search, Anuva Anannya ’22 has been selected for the 2022 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, an award that will fund her research-based master's and doctoral degrees at an accredited U.S. institution of her choice.

  3. Physics Seniors

    Physics Majors Present Results of Senior Research

    Physics majors presented the results of their year-long SYE research projects.

  4. Sigma Pi Sigma Inductees 2022

    Students Inducted into Physics Honorary Society

    Students inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma

  5. FTLMAG articl

    Gisele El Khoury co-authored an article

    Gisele El Khoury, director of the Language Resource Center, co-authored the article “ Instructor and Peer Feedback on Oral Speaking Tasks: Extempore, Soundcloud, VoiceThread, and Flipgrid.” This...

  6. Current students and St. Lawrence Alumni Gather in New York City

    Liberal Arts in New York City: 2021-2022 Outcomes

    Margaret Dener, Kim Longfellow

    The Liberal Arts in New York City program offers students the opportunity to develop professional skills, build their resumes, and tap into the nationally recognized Laurentian alumni network. The benefits of this program extend well beyond the end of the semester.

  7. Alumni speaking to students

    St. Lawrence Named One of the Nation’s Best Colleges by Princeton Review

    The Princeton Review has once again recognized St. Lawrence University as one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduate students, applauding its outstanding alumni network and internships in the recent publication, “Best Value Colleges for 2022.”

  8. Sara Ashpole, John Collins, Michael Schuckers, Melissane Schrems, Ryan Deuel, Dennis Simiyu, Rafael Castillo Bejarano, Peter Pettingill, Alessandro Giardino.

    Faculty Focus–May 9, 2022

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published research articles with student co-authors and shared their novels and research findings during conferences and events around the globe. 

  9. Danica Cunningham '13 plays the fiddle

    Scarlet & Brown Stories Podcast-Episode 12: Danica Cunningham '13

    This month, Danica Cunningham ’13 invites our listeners into the world of music therapy, where she forges connections with her clients through all kinds of musical mediums. As Danica shares her love of music, she also provides concrete ways that music can support mental health and introduces elements of the local music scene in Burlington, Vermont.

  10. Spring 2022 Honorary Inductees

    Spring 2022 A&AH Honorary Society Inductees

    Robert K foster

    Several students were inducted into the Art & Art History Department Honorary Society for Spring 2022 at the opening reception for the SYE Senior Art Exhibition