Hope Olson '22

Name: Hope Olson       
Class Year: 2022
Major(s): Environmental Studies-Biology
Minor(s): Outdoor Studies and African Studies
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home: the seacoast of New Hampshire
Extra-Curricular Activities: I live in the Green House. clubs: Divest, EAO, Seed to Table
Fun fact: A fun fact about me is that I love being outside: skiing, hiking, running, etc.

Why did you choose SLU?
I chose to come to SLU for the strong sense of community, small size, and for the opportunities to study abroad

What do you like most/enjoy most about SLU?
I love the happiness that I associate with my life at SLU. I am meeting the greatest people, learning a great deal about myself, and love furthering my education.

CBL courses taken:
My FYP included a CBL component and I was partnered with the North Country Children’s Museum.

Why did you apply to be a CM:
I love the opportunity that CBL provides students to interact with the community and to learn beyond our campus.

Why should every student take a CBL course during their time at SLU?
I would encourage every student to take a CBL course to broaden their perspective on learning and their perspective on the Canton area.

The most rewarding part of being a CM:  As a CM, I am most excited to help students connect with their community partners and the greater Canton community. CBL is a great opportunity to interact, benefit from, and give back to the place we SLU students are so lucky to call home.