The 50-50s Don Leet Legacy Fund
A new endowment to honor Don Leet and support future program excellence.
“The 50-50s Don Leet Legacy Fund” (“50-50s Fund”) is a new endowment fund, supported by donors to the men’s lacrosse program, to honor and support men’s lacrosse student-athletes as they strive to uphold the values of character, competitiveness, grit, effort, determination, persistence, teamwork and the pursuit of excellence so important to Coach Leet’s daily philosophy as a coach, mentor, husband, father and friend.
The genesis of the 50-50s Fund is a conditioning drill of fifty consecutive fifty-yard sprints, a Don Leet favorite for all athletes. For all who experienced this challenging drill, with many players wondering whether they could accomplish the drill, a profound sense of achievement and comradery emerged between teammates. This drill and Coach Leet’s constant encouragement and challenges to push harder established a sense of equity among all players, regardless of position on the team, class year or stature because the 50-50s were about effort and commitment. It is Coach Leet’s commitment to drawing the best out of all players, and the lesson that hard work, grit and determination that provides the foundational purpose of the 50-50s Fund.
This fund will permanently endow the Don Leet Endowed Coaching Position in honor of the men’s lacrosse program’s 27-year leader. St. Lawrence men’s lacrosse, football alumni and friends will participate annually to honor his memory, remember the challenge of the 50-50s and build the fund to ensure recognition and resources are sufficient to help promote and support Coach Leet’s enduring legacy grounded in personal work ethic, hard work, leadership and teamwork.
The goal is to raise $1,500,000 in endowment support, which will create an annual stream of income to support the program. To date, we have received $900,000 in commitments.
For more information on supporting the fund or if you have questions, please contact Andy Whittier ’91, Principal Gift Officer & Director for Athletic Development at awhittier@stlawu.edu or 315-229-5511.
Please join us in honoring Coach Leet by making a gift today.
Thank You!
Tim Albertson '93
Chris Coyle '78
Sam Hovey ’87
Jim Knight '91, P'23
John Manning '10
Jeff Overman '01
Michael Paletta '87
Brad Rhine '94
Rob Russell '03
Mike Santini '00
Charles Santry '84
Fran Shields '79, P'17
Craig Sotres '80
Warren Tuttle '77, P'16
Todd Twombly '97
Brian Wilber '13
Hank Wilson '89, P'20, '22
Craig '70 and Anne Battle
Jimmy '91 and Alison Rogers Knight '91 P'23
Charles '84 and Anni Santry
Jed '85 and Kerry Stevens P'25
Willy '89 and Sheila Walker
John and Amy Wilson P'23, '26
Tim '93 and Naomi Albertson
Eric ’93 and Alexandra Baldwin
Mike Moretti '79
Jeff '01 and Jamie DeSantos Overman '01
Peter M. '81 & Georgeanne Pinkard P'11, '12
Brad '94 and Rachael Keigher Rhine '89
Mike Santini '00
Bill Spragins '80
Warren '77 and Lynne Ruane Tuttle '77, P'16
Jim Walter '00
Billy Weiss '94
All Other Levels
John and Jessica Bayreuther P'17, '25
Eric Brooker '65
Cole Bouley '16
Butch '74 and Karen Lawton Burtch '74
Brian and Nanette Carpenter '84, P'21
John '81 and Michelle Miller Carpenter '81, P'12
Casey Coons '11
Chad Cooper '00
Dill '74 and Susan Driscoll
Ted Fay '71
Pierson Fowler '14
Tucker Garfield '13
Taylor Gerhardt '14
Jeff Goeke '13
Alexander '90 and Elizabeth Gray P'21, '24
Elliot Gray '93
John '75 and JoAnne Greenwood P'13
Jay Harrington '88
Jon Hutchison '71
Justin Ingram '13
Ian '85 and Sally Jarrett P'17
Sean '77 and Neilia Phillips Kelly '77
Chris Kenny '93
Andrew and Topsy King P'24
Bob '75 and Janet Olchowski Kmetz '75, P'05
Matthew and Meg Kniskern P'24
David and Linda Koch P'20, '21
Philip and Debra Lalonde P'23
Jake Lamarine '01
Steve '83 and Jeanne Lawler
Craig Leach '12
Jill Leet-Otley
Mike '93 and Pam Seaborn Mahoney '92, P'22, '24
Sam Marvin '14 and Charlotte Reilly '16
Lance and Jenifer Marx P'25
Mac '79 and Abby Wolman McElroy '79
Mark '77 and Martha Reichert McGinn '80
Will McKee '10
Kenneth Noble '79
David '67 and Joan Officer
Chris Palmer '11
Marc Perroni '14
Bob Phinney '83, P'16, '20, '24
Bobby Phinney '20
Jake '93 and Julie Wood Pirozzolo '96
Marcia Podvey and Sherri Glassman P'21, '24
Matthew Pope '12
Frank Priebe '79
Richard and Sandy Roberts P'16
Rich Rowe '73
Rob '03 and Beth Moore Russell '05
Henry '90 and Abby Schibli P'22, '23
Tom Severance ’90
Jonathan '80 and Beverly Seymour P'22
Justin and Amy Leonard Sipher M'99, P'23
Scott '88 and Jennifer Sneath P'22
Craig Sotres '80
Lloyd and Emily Temple P'23
Chad Tessier '93, M'04 and Cathy McNamara M’99, P'18
Steve Wallender '74
Julia Warren P'23
Craig Warwick ’94
Chris '92 and Kate Wells P'23, '25
Whit Whitehouse '85
Andy '91 and Kristen Fassett Whittier '94, P'24
Hank '89 and Lynne Benedict Wilson '89, P'20, '22
Charles and Jane Wittmann P'92
Christopher '92 and Hilary Auchincloss Wittmann '92
Bob '67 and Nancy Williamson Zapletal '67, P'92
Fund Goal and Progress
Fund Goal
The goal is to raise $1,500,000 in endowment support.
Raised to Date
To date, we have received $900,000 in commitments.

A Legacy of Relationships, Trust, and Teamwork
No matter how you addressed him, when you saw Don Leet in Augsbury, on the field, in the classroom, or even at the poker table, you knew your interaction with him was going to make you a better person.

Photo Gallery
View photos of Coach Leet submitted by his former men's lacrosse athletes.