Reunion Giving

Make Your Pledge or Gift Today!
You can make your Reunion commitment by credit card online, or by calling the Office of Annual Giving at 1-888-758-4438.

Mark your calendars for a weekend filled with campus tours, class receptions and dinners, the traditional all-class parade, alumni seminars, entertainment and more! As you make plans to return, we hope you'll consider how your Reunion gift can help make the St. Lawrence experience as unique and meaningful for today's students as it was for you.

Reunion Class Gift Amount

Every gift is important to St. Lawrence. Just as important as the total amount a class raises is the number of classmates who participate with a gift. Gifts of all sizes are welcomed and count equally toward your class participation goal. If you think your $25 gift doesn't matter, think again! Last year, gifts at the $25 to $50 level added up to more than $100,000 for St. Lawrence. These gifts help to support everything from financial aid and student-faculty research to student activities and study abroad. It's all about the collective impact. If you haven't been a regular supporter of the St. Lawrence Fund, your reunion year is a great time to begin!

What Counts?

  1. Any gift made during your Reunion year (July 1 - June 30) will count toward your Reunion class gift
  2. We ask all alumni to contribute to the cornerstone of Laurentian giving, the St. Lawrence Fund.
  3. We encourage alumni to consider a contribution of $2,500 or more to become a member of the Candle in the Wilderness Society
  4. Alumni are also encouraged to consider planned giving (charitable gift annuities and bequests, for example) and outright capital gifts (gifts to endowment, special capital projects) in addition to their St. Lawrence Fund support.

Making the Most of Your Reunion Gift

Multi-Year Pledge Program: To maximize the impact of your Reunion gift, consider pledging out over a three-year period and have the entire amount credited to your class. For example, if you make a gift of $2,500 in your Reunion year and agree to do the same for the following two years, you and your class will receive credit for $7,500.

Multi-year pledges are a win-win for all. You and your class receive special credit in honor of your Reunion milestone and St. Lawrence is able to count on your future commitments, saving mailing and printing costs.

Matching gifts are another way to increase the impact of your gift. Many companies will match employee charitable contributions, in some cases doubling or tripling your gift. Visit the University's matching gift page to determine if your company has a matching gift program.

Help Your Class Set a Record

During the Alumni Award and Class Gift Ceremony at Reunion, classes present their gifts to the University, and classes with exceptional performance are recognized through Reunion Awards.

The Scarlet and Brown Participation Award - Highest class gift participation

The Saints Class Gift Award - Largest class gift

The G. Atwood Manley Class Participation Award - Largest increase in new members of the Manley Society

The Hervey Cup - "Best in Show" in the traditional All-Class Parade

Classes also strive to set fundraising records for their particular milestone Reunion (such as largest dollar total and/or participation for a 10th Reunion).

Participate today and help your class take home one of these special awards!

View 2024 Reunion Class Fundraising Totals and Awards

Make Your Pledge or Gift Today!

You can make your Reunion commitment by credit card online, by calling the Office of Annual Giving at 1-888-758-4438 or by mailing a check to: St. Lawrence University, Office of Annual Giving, 23 Romoda Drive, Canton, NY 13617.

Give Now!