Survey Cycle

Survey Cycle for Campus-Wide Surveys in 2022-23:

  • Admitted Students
    • Admitted Student Questionnaire May-June
  • First-Years
    • August (Orientation):  HEDS New Student Survey
    • April: College Success Questionnaire
  • Seniors
    • April-May: Senior Survey
  • All Students
    • November: Residence Life Quality of Student Life Survey
    • February: HEDS Diversity and Inclusion Survey
    • April: HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey
  • Alumni
    • Winter: Career Services Follow-Up Survey, Class of 2022
  • Faculty/Staff
    • February: HEDS Diversity and Inclusion Survey


Cycle History

St. Lawrence participates in ongoing survey research - some surveys are conducted on an annual cycle, others on a 3-5 year cycle (e.g. Qualtity of Residence Life; Diversity & Inclusion).  The Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey is on a 2 year cycle as required by New York State law.  Several surveys are in-house instruments.  Others are national instruments which are typically supplemented with a few local questions of interest.  Also, St. Lawrence alternates between survey instruments as each pursues a particular emphasis.

Survey Instrument 13‑14 14‑15 15‑16 16‑17 17‑18 18‑19 19‑20 20‑21 21-22 Survey Date Participants
Admitted Student Questionnaire May-July Accepted students
RNL College Student Inventory               August Incoming students
CIRP Freshman Survey       August Incoming students
BSSE                 August Incoming students
Orientation Survey                 September Incoming students
College Success Questionnaire (CSQ)   April First-Year
CIRP Your First College Year as part of CSQ           April First-Year
CORE Alcohol and Other Drug Norms                 March All Students
Research Practices               Summer/April Incoming / First-Year
NSSE               April-May First-Year / Seniors
Sophomore Survey               April Sophomores
Senior Survey - HERI     April-May Seniors
Senior Survey - HEDS                    
Global Perspectives Inventory                 November/April Students on off-campus study/FY/SR
Deeper Life Interactions               November/Feb First-Year
Survey on Study Abroad                 January Junior, Senior not abroad
Healthy Minds Survey - JED                 November All class years
Campus Climate for Diversity                 February All class years
Quality of Life               November All class years
Registration Survey                   March-April All class years
Sexual Assault Campus Climate            February All class years
MISO Technology Survey                 November Sample, all class years
Survey Instrument 13‑14 14‑15 15‑16 16‑17 17‑18 18‑19 19‑20 20‑21 21-22 Survey Date Participants
HERI Faculty Survey             Winter Faculty
Campus Climate for Diversity                 February Faculty, Staff
MISO Technology Survey                 November Faculty, Staff
Employee Transportation Survey                 October Faculty, Staff
Survey Instrument 13‑14 14‑15 15‑16 16‑17 17‑18 18‑19 19‑20 20‑21 21-22    
Career Services Follow-Up Winter Alumni 5-7 months out
Alumni Outcomes 5 Yrs out                 April-May Alumni 5 +
In-House Alumni Survey                 Winter All Alumni
CASE Readership Survey (Communications)                 Spr All Alumni