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  • Research and Experiential Learning
  1. A large group of Saint Lawrence University students stand behind a table of alumni judges.

    Taking Care of Business: Experiential Course Connects Students & Alumni

    Since its inception in 2014, St. Lawrence’s Business Case Study course has provided students with the tools needed to analyze real-world industry problems while developing thoughtful solutions. The best part? The alumni network and local business owners are there to offer expert insight.

  2. A student in a lab looks into a microscope.

    Get to Know St. Lawrence's New Biomedical Sciences Major

    St. Lawrence’s new biomedical sciences major is hands-on, experiential, versatile, and designed for students who are curious to explore big questions regarding health and disease. Associate Professor of Biology Karin Heckman and Sarah Johnson ’82 Professor of Biology and Psychology Ana Estevez illuminated the benefits of majoring in biomedical sciences at a liberal arts institution, shared what makes St. Lawrence’s program unique, and illustrated how faculty and staff will support their students’ wide range of possible career aspirations.

  3. A Saint Lawrence University students uses the digital imaging lab in the Owen D Young Library.

    Get to Know St. Lawrence’s New Digital Media and Film Major

    In an ever-shifting media landscape, St. Lawrence’s new digital media and film major will empower students to think critically and creatively about the content they consume and produce. After four years of interdisciplinary classes and opportunities to gain real-world experience, students will be well-positioned to confidently take on careers in journalism, videography, graphic design, film, and more. Program co-chairs Sarah Knobel, associate professor of art and art history, and Brook Henkel, associate professor of German and film studies, shared what students can expect from this innovative new major.

  4. A student peers into a microscope while working in a science lab.

    St. Lawrence Adds New Biomedical Sciences Major

    St. Lawrence University has created a new bachelor’s degree program in biomedical sciences, preparing graduates for careers in health, medicine, or research through interdisciplinary learning and individualized career preparation.

  5. A student and faculty member stand in front of a chemistry research poster at a conference.

    Students and Faculty Present Research in San Diego

    Students and faculty are sharing their research in posters and oral presentations at the 263rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego this week.

  6. A group of students in warm clothing stand in front of a red and white building in Rennes, France.

    First Person: How Being Indecisive Helped Me Find My Way

    Alexandra Hill '22

    I cannot make up my mind, which, to be honest, is why I am a triple major with a minor. Sounds crazy, I know, but at St. Lawrence, it makes sense somehow. Here’s why.

  7. Elise Pierson, Shiru Kimani, and Sydney Peterson.

    Celebrating Women's History Month

    Recipients of prestigious scholarships and fellowships. A United Nations climate conference youth representative. Researchers. Olympians. This March, St. Lawrence University marks Women’s History Month by honoring the extraordinary accomplishments of many of our woman-identifying students during the past year.

  8. Adwoa Pokuaa Boateng works with a child as part of her Project for Peace, Cerebral Palsy Therapies on Wheels.

    St. Lawrence Students Implement Projects for Peace

    Three St. Lawrence students designed and implemented humanitarian projects in Ghana, West Africa, and Cairo, Egypt with the support of Davis Projects for Peace, which funds grassroots projects developed by undergraduate students.

  9. Saint Lawrence University professor Ivan Ramler, wearing a red polo, talks about an assignment with a student.

    St. Lawrence University Receives $250,000 Emerson Foundation Grant in Support of Data Science Internships and Research

    St. Lawrence University has received a $250,000 grant from the Fred L. Emerson Foundation in support of the University’s “Building Bright Futures in Data Science” project which will expand summer internship and research opportunities for St. Lawrence students in the rapidly growing field of data science, one of the University’s newest majors.

  10. Aileen O'Donoghue and Haille Perkins sit in O'Donoghue's office and discuss their research project.

    St. Lawrence Undergraduate Researchers to Observe Galaxies with Remote Telescope

    St. Lawrence students will observe galaxies using the world’s largest steerable, single-dish telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia, from their labs in Canton, N.Y., thanks to a successful observation proposal by a research team including Henry Priest Professor of Physics Aileen O’Donoghue and Haille Perkins ’22.