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  • CIIS
  1. Sarath Novas sets up photography equipment in a gazebo in a park. They’re experimenting with pinhole cameras, which look like large boxes.

    St. Lawrence Student Selected for Prestigious Study Abroad Scholarship

    Following a competitive application process, Sarath Novas ’23 has been selected for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, an award that will support her off-campus study in London during the Spring 2022 semester.

  2. Sarath Novas '23 Selected for Prestigious Gilman Scholarship

    Congratulations! The Center for International and Intercultural Studies is thrilled to share that Sarath Novas '23 has been selected as a recipient of the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship, a...

  3. Several Saint Lawrence students sit outside and play games, on a sunny day, at the Kenya campus during the Kenya Semester Program.

    St. Lawrence University Among Top Institutions for Studying Abroad

    With more than 60 percent of students studying off campus for a semester, St. Lawrence University has risen in the ranks among baccalaureate institutions for the number of students studying abroad.

  4. A Saint Lawrence student stands in front of the U.S. flag and the Peace Corps flag.

    St. Lawrence University to Offer Peace Corps Prep Certificate Program

    St. Lawrence University has established a new partnership with the Peace Corps centered on an undergraduate certificate program that will combine targeted coursework with hands-on experiences and build the competencies needed for students to be strong Peace Corps volunteers or other intercultural fieldworkers.

  5. 20 Years After 9/11: Faculty, Staff, Alumni to Host Event Series

    The year 2021 marks 20 years since September 11, 2001, a profoundly transformative moment. Join St. Lawrence University faculty, staff, and alumni guests for a full week of activities (Sept. 3-11) as our community reflects on the many ways both our national and global communities have been impacted.

  6. In Memory: Rita Goldberg, Professor Emerita of Spanish

    We are grieving today at St. Lawrence University. Rita Goldberg, Professor Emerita of Spanish and founder of our off-campus program in Madrid, Spain, left this world. She was a strong advocate for...

  7. Three students stand in front of a stone wall with their arms in the air. There are colorful balloons behind them.

    Laurentians Around the World Celebrate International Education Week

    International Education Week is celebrated nationwide, but a robust emphasis on promoting global citizenship and a passionate international student community makes it an especially meaningful event at St. Lawrence University.

  8. Alumna and former CIIS Fellow co-publishes in The National Interest

    Congratulations to Shanice Arlow ’20 who recently coauthored an article with Dr. Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution on Africa’s Covid-19 situation which was published in The National...

  9. A large group of Saint Lawrence students gather for a photo while studying abroad in Kenya.

    First Person: Coming Back from Being Abroad

    Alessandra Uriarte '21

    Where do I even start? I cannot articulate or explain my experience studying abroad in Kenya this past fall semester. Now, I’ve been back in lovely and cold Canton for almost two months and Kenya...

  10. Two Saint Lawrence students stand on the beach holding sea turtles while studying abroad.

    First Person: Community Beyond Campus - Studying Abroad in Kenya


    When writing about studying abroad, it's easy to fall back into the classic response you share with people who inquire about it: "Oh yeah, it was awesome!" But, given time to dig into it, there are...