THRIVE Mentor Job Description
Residence Life Office
THRIVE Mentor Position
THRIVE Mentor Job Description
The THRIVE Mentor (TM) is a part-time, para-professional, live-in student staff member of the Residence Life team who will work in close collaboration with the Wellness Education Office and SLU THRIVES. All TMs will serve as Orientation Leaders (OL) during the opening week of the fall semester before moving into their traditional TM role for the remainder of the academic year. The function of the TM is to assist first-year students with their transition into the St. Lawrence community by ensuring their mentees are aware of their campus resources and by connecting them with the various campus events. Most importantly, TMs are charged with coaching mentees about and helping students engage with events connected to the SLU THRIVES 6 Dimensions of Well-being. Each TM is expected be well-versed in the St. Lawrence student engagement platform as a mechanism for discovering, advertising, and promoting these events.
Minimum Qualifications
- Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior and a full-time student at St. Lawrence University
- First year students must have completed a full year on campus to be eligible for a TM position. Transfer students need to have completed a full semester on campus.
- All TMs must serve as OLs during the academic year they commit to the position. It is preferred that New TMs starting in the spring semester previously served as either a Community Assistant (CA) or an OL.
- THRIVE Mentors must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.50 and adhere to all stipulations in the University’s Academic Policy. If unable to maintain a 2.50 average, the TM may be placed on probationary status or face possible removal from the position. Two consecutive semesters with a cumulative GPA below 2.50 will result in removal from the position.
- Must be in good academic and judicial standing with the University.
Duties and Responsibilities
Training and Development
THRIVE Mentors will be required to attend training before they start in their role. TMs who begin their role in the Fall Semester will attend August training in conjunction with CAs and OLs. TMs who begin their role in the Spring Semester will attend January training with CAs and returning TMs and attend additional training as needed. These training programs are mandatory.
Administrative Duties
A TM is expected to fulfill the administrative responsibilities of the job. These include:
General Duties
- Assist their assigned residential community with preparing for the First-Year Cup (FYC) Competition and attend the FYC Competition during the first week of classes.
- Help new students and families navigate the St. Lawrence campus and facilitate belonging to help students connect with one another as they navigate their first-year experience.
- Maintain approachability and availability to all new students within your residential area as well as the larger St. Lawrence community.
- Must maintain a positive and professionally appropriate relationship with mentees throughout the academic year.
- Develop and maintain strong relationships with OLs and CAs in enhancing the residential experience.
- Complete a weekly report to be submitted to supervisor to note conversations with mentees, highlight students of concern in your assigned area, outline which wellness events you brought mentees to, and ask for additional support, if needed
- Attend bi-weekly staff meetings with professional staff supervisor(s)
- Responsible for having 3 “Intentional Interactions” per week with mentees. These “Intentional Interactions” will be recorded in your weekly report and on Starfish. These interactions will be rooted in the SLU THRIVES dimensions of well-being
- Serve as a Mandatory Reporter with regard to Title IX. TMs are obligated to report any and all incidents under Title IX to the Title IX Coordinator and must document these incidents according to appropriate reporting protocol.
- Host scheduled open door hours for 2 hours per week to provide opportunities for students to speak 1:1 with you about connecting with various resources around campus.
- Utilize and ensure students utilize the student engagement platform enough to be well-versed in what wellness events are happening on campus and to be able to promote those to the community.
- Other duties as assigned
Fall Semester
- At the conclusion of the FYC Competition, TMs will be responsible for guiding their mentees to First-Year Orientation sessions as part of Extended Orientation on Sundays.
- TMs must also bring mentees to 2 out of the 4 late night Saturday events.
- After the conclusion of Extended Orientation, TMs must bring mentees to 6 programs per semester. By the conclusion of the semester, each TM needs to bring their mentees to at least 1 program for each of the 6 Dimensions of Wellness.
Spring Semester
- TMs who served in the role during the previous fall semester will assist with the January New Student Orientation program, as necessary, and serve as OLs to new students during the two days preceding the start of the spring semester. These TMs will also do a brief training program before January Orientation begins.
- New TMs who start in the spring semester will also participate in the training program to review the responsibilities, processes, and obligations for the position in conjunction with CA Training. They will not serve as spring OLs.
- TMs will have additional responsibilities at the start of the semester, including guiding mentees to 2 out of 4 of the late-night Saturday events on campus.
- TMs must bring mentees to 6 programs per semester. By the conclusion of the semester, each TM needs to bring their mentees to at least 1 program for each of the 6 Dimensions of Wellness.
A TM is expected to:
- Be a positive role model for other students within their assigned orientee group and the university community. TMs must keep in line with the guidelines and policies set in the St. Lawrence University Student Handbook.
- Demonstrate a commitment to and understanding of the 6 Dimensions of Well-being and SLU THRIVES.
- Must maintain a positive and professionally appropriate relationship with mentees throughout the academic year.
- Responsibly uphold university policy and take appropriate steps when faced with irresponsible behavior on campus.
- Be team-centered, innovative, responsible, and aware of multifaceted life at St. Lawrence.
- Provide a supportive, encouraging, and non-judgmental environment for orientees while recognizing personal limits.
- Demonstrate leadership skills, initiative, motivation, and professionalism when undertaking tasks
- Have the ability to work collaboratively with other student leaders as well as professional staff members
- Exemplify a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the position
- Value diverse perspectives and consider these when making decisions that will impact your assigned student group
- Adapt to new and changing situations with poise and grace
- Show pride and enthusiasm for being a Laurentian
Remuneration & Benefits
- An opportunity to have a deeper knowledge of campus resources and to meet the professionals who oversee these various areas
- TMs receive room and board coverage during Student Leader Training.
- TMs receive either a room waiver or a paycheck distributed over the academic year for the equivalent amount for 1/3 of the housing cost. Additionally, TMs will receive the same $250 stipend as Orientation Leaders at the completion of New Student Orientation.
- TMs are provided with St. Lawrence University student leader apparel (shirt, nametag, etc.) to be used for the duration of the academic year when during working CARE functions.
- TMs have the option, but are not required, to take the .50 credit ND 102 Student Leadership class. This course is only offered in the fall semester and delves into helpful leadership practices and theories to promote positive community building in the residence halls. All CAs are required to take this course.
- TMs who have previously taken Biology 1 & 2 may also register for a Health and Wellness Coaching course (spring semester) to further develop their knowledge and skills. Students who have previously served as a TM and students who have taken Health & Wellness Coaching who wish to apply to work as a Peer Wellness Tutor (Wellness Education office) will be prioritized in the hiring process.