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  • Admissions
  1. A student sitting inside the Student Center and working on her computer.

    First Person: 10 Things You'll Learn as an Admissions Summer Intern

    Rosie Johns '23

    Entering the adult world is scary. In my first year at St. Lawrence, I had no idea what I wanted to major in, let alone what I wanted to do with my life (which was okay!). As the year passed by, I got...

  2. A young woman at the trailhead where she's cross-country skiing.

    First Person: The Unexpected Beauty of Indecision

    Meg Charles '22

    I’ve grown very familiar with the phrases “don’t worry, no one knows what they want to do” and “you’ve got plenty of time.” As cliché as they sound though, they're true. Since I was little, I’ve...

  3. A professor sits at the head of a table leading a discussion for students seated around the table.

    First Person: New Perspectives in Unexpected Classrooms

    Joan Kiely '23

    Halfway through her sophomore year, Joan Kiely '23 officially declared her history major confident about her passion for the discipline thanks to a Community-based Learning (CBL) course taught by Professor Liz Regosin at the Riverview Correctional Facility.

  4. Saint Lawrence University students organize fresh produce in the kitchen during the Adirondack Semester.

    St. Lawrence’s Commitment to Sustainability Recognized

    St. Lawrence University once again has been named one of the most environmentally responsible colleges in the United States.

  5. Two students standing at Union Market in Washington D.C. smiling for a photo while it snows behind them.

    First Person: Making Friends in College

    Lindsay Lukeheart '23

    It's quite a funny story how I ended up at St. Lawrence. While I always knew about SLU, because I am from just outside of D.C. in Virginia and many alums move to my area to work for the government...

  6. Payson Hall on the Saint Lawrence University campus.

    Five Steps to Securing Standout Letters of Recommendation for Your College Apps

    The Admissions Team

    If you’re a high school student planning to apply to college, you’re probably thinking about everything you’ll need for your applications. The good news is, lots of colleges and universities have...

  7. Three Laurentians in hiking gear stand at the peak of a mountain.

    First Person: Leaning on Laurentians Across the Country

    Teal Borden '22

    Last March, the longing for a semester cut short still loomed in bitterness when my plans to participate in the fall 2020 Kenya Semester Program were canceled due to COVID-19. Suddenly, I had to...

  8. A modern stone residence hall on a gray day in winter. Snow covers the ground on the quad in front.

    First Person: Five Ways to De-Stress During College Application Season

    The Admissions Team

    For high school seniors across the country, December is a month packed with holiday season excitement, end-of-semester papers and exams, and college applications. This year, managing it all on top of...

  9. Two students stand next to each other and smile for a selfie.

    First Person: Flights Aren't the Only Connections Made in Airports

    Cora Ferguson '23

    Anyone that has gone through airport security will tell you that at best, it’s a minor inconvenience, at worst… well let’s just say I learned my lesson and now I always put my graphing calculator in...

  10. A student wearing a helmet and a harness, prepares to climb the rock face in front of them.

    First Person: My Rock Climbing Adventure

    Nina Haynie '22

    St. Lawrence University was my first choice when applying for colleges. Like many students, I was persuaded by the inclusive community I saw when I did a tour of the school. As a student of color from...