
Active Filters

  • First Person
  1. Six members of the Saint Lawrence University men's golf team. They all wear red golf shirts and khaki shorts.

    First Person: DIII Sports With a DI Heart

    Wesley Dixon '22

    Division III athletics give you the opportunity to balance school, social life, and sports on the campus. No, St. Lawrence doesn’t have a 50,000-person stadium that is always packed, but we...

  2. A young man in professional attire talks to his alumni mentor, an older man also in professional attire.

    First Person: St. Lawrence Connections in the Professional World

    Dillon Larkin '23

    St. Lawrence stands out in many ways—from its remarkable sense of campus community to the quality of its liberal arts education. I believe the greatest asset that comes with the SLU experience is the...

  3. A group of students sit on the sidewalk decorating a flag to represent their First Year Program college.

    First Person: FYP and Friendships

    Sabie Lindsay '23

    When I found out about the First Year Program at St. Lawrence University, I was intrigued and so excited to see what it had in store for me. I had never even been to summer camp or that far away from...

  4. A group of Saint Lawrence students engaged in animated discussion at a large rectangular dining table. Photo from January 2020.

    First Person: Are We Listening? My Semester as a Civic Dialogue Fellow

    Jack Cruickshank '22

    Whether we like it or not, politics has seeped into every aspect of our lives. But having political conversations with our family and friends has become an activity that no one wants to indulge in...

  5. A student wearing a face mask performs bench work in the biology lab.

    First Person: Research and Relationships With Faculty

    Erica Byrne '21

    Amidst my final semester at St. Lawrence, not a day goes by that I don’t find myself wishing I had four more years at the place that has become my second home. Although I am overwhelmed by sadness and...

  6. The sun rises over a snow-covered golf course on the Saint Lawrence University campus.

    First Person: Connecting with Alumni During COVID-19

    Anna Dieffenbach '21

    One of the most influential components of my decision to attend St. Lawrence University was the alumni network. I had heard endless compliments for SLU's events and programs that connect current...

  7. Three Laurentians in hiking gear stand at the peak of a mountain.

    First Person: Leaning on Laurentians Across the Country

    Teal Borden '22

    Last March, the longing for a semester cut short still loomed in bitterness when my plans to participate in the fall 2020 Kenya Semester Program were canceled due to COVID-19. Suddenly, I had to...

  8. Students mixing dressing for kimchi in large pots at a kitchen table.

    First Person: How Living in a Theme House Brought Me Closer to the Canton Community

    Abbie Cooper '22

    By the time I was a junior at St Lawrence, I thought I knew everything there is to know about Canton and met most of the people I was going to meet at SLU. But after moving into the Greenhouse my...

  9. Two students stand next to each other and smile for a selfie.

    First Person: Flights Aren't the Only Connections Made in Airports

    Cora Ferguson '23

    Anyone that has gone through airport security will tell you that at best, it’s a minor inconvenience, at worst… well let’s just say I learned my lesson and now I always put my graphing calculator in...

  10. A student wearing a helmet and a harness, prepares to climb the rock face in front of them.

    First Person: My Rock Climbing Adventure

    Nina Haynie '22

    St. Lawrence University was my first choice when applying for colleges. Like many students, I was persuaded by the inclusive community I saw when I did a tour of the school. As a student of color from...