Request a Refund

If you would like to receive refunds via direct deposit, fill out this form and return to All forms that are received by Tuesdays at 4:00pm can receive their direct deposit the following Monday. This will be the default preferred method for all refunds received from your student account. You will need to notify if there are any changes to your bank account. After completing the form, please email and submit the following information to request your refund:

  • Name, ID number
  • Confirm you are set up for direct deposit
  • Amount of refund
  • Reason for refund (example: overpayment, loan excess for book expense, refund due for sorority/fraternity fees)

If you would like to receive your refund via paper check, please email with the following information:

  • Name, student ID number
  • Confirm mailing address
  • Amount of refund
  • Reason for refund (example: overpayment, loan excess for book expense, refund due for sorority/fraternity fees)