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  • Department News
  1. Traditional Korean Folk Art, An Experiential Learning

    Recently Ah Ra Cho of Bada Studio joined Dr. Sean Han to teach students about traditional Korean folk art. Students had a chance to create a piece of art, with professional instruction, using materials and skills unique to Korea.

  2. Paul Redfern delivers welcome at the CUPRAP annual conference

    Paul Redfern Elected President of CUPRAP, the Professional Organization for Higher Education Communications Professionals

    Paul Redfern has been elected President of the Board of Directors of College and University Public Relations and Associated Professionals (CUPRAP), a community dedicated to advancing higher education marketing and communications. Redfern, who is Vice President for Communications and Institutional Strategy at St. Lawrence University, will serve in this volunteer leadership role for two years.

  3. Large group

    Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics Department celebrates Pi Day

    March 14th is Pi Day and the MCSS department (and over 100 students) celebrated with a pi-athlon and with the eating of pi(e)s.

  4. Turkish Election Watch, March 19-26, 2023

    Dr. Howard Eissenstat

  5. Book cover - Marcella

    Dr. Marcella Salvi published an essay

    Dr. Marcella Salvi, Lewis Professor of WLCM published an essay in the peer-reviewed volume, Donne Resilienti ( Resilient Women, Eds. Di Filippo, Spani, Marino. QuodManet, 2023). Dr. Salvi’s essay...

  6. A mockup of a fake $1,000 bill, with the St. Lawrence shield at the center.

    Second Internship Fellowship Application Deadline Approaching!

    Students who have secured unpaid or underpaid internships are eligible to apply for funding from our Internship Fellowship program.

  7. Dr. Eissenstat, Greek Current Podcast Guest

    Associate Professor of History Howard Eissenstat weighed in on the potential political fallout of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria as a guest on the Greek Current podcast. He also published a...

  8. One person is standing at a whiteboard, drawing a circle. A group of seven people sit or stand behind the person drawing, watching the process.

    Infinite Fun at π-athlon 2023

    In celebration of the infinitely long, never-ending number, the department of mathematics, computer science, and statistics kicked off #NationalPiDay with the return of π-athlon!

  9. A group of Saint Lawrence students gather together with President Morris in celebration of academic excellence. There is a large gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling of the white room.

    Celebrating First-Year and Sophomore Academic Excellence

    Nearly 140 first-year and sophomore students attended events hosted by the First-Year Program, Sophomore Success Initiative, and Academic Advising in recognition of earning a 3.75 GPA or higher during the Fall 2022 semester.

  10. Damon Berry.

    Dr. Damon Berry, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, writes new book

    Mary Ann Gera

    Available Jul 27, 2023 Dr. Berry examines how leaders within the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a charismatically inclined Evangelical movement, claim their support for Trump came from alleged...