Resource Fair Materials


For full list of DEI resources:

Viki Sathy and Kelly A. Hogan (2022). “How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive”. The Chronicle of Higher Education. 

Adriana Eliandis (2021). “Fostering an Inclusive Environment in the Workplace.” Forbes. 

Edsys (December 14, 2018). “9 Fun Group Activities for College Students.” 

“Tips for Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace.” Lands’ End. 

NCAA Inclusion (Summer 2022). “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Review Framework.”

Sivasailam “Thiagi” Thiagarajan with Samuel van den Bergh (2017). “Jolts! 33 Brief Activities to Explore Diversity and Inclusion.” The Thiagi Group.


Jacquelyn Johnson and Anna Smith (March 2022). “What to Know About Microaggressions.” Medical News Today.

Jamie Birt (October 18, 2022). “How to Handle Microaggressions in the Workplace.” Indeed.

Kalia Simms (February 27, 2022). “Microaggressions in the Workplace: How to Identify and Respond to Them.” Great Place to Work.

Handout: Creating a Positive Classroom Climate for Diversity (2015). “Microaggressions in the Classroom.”

Jasmine Marcelin, et al. (August 20, 2019). “The Impact of Unconscious Bias in Healthcare: How to Recognize and Mitigate It.” J. Infect. Dis.2019: 220 (Suppl 20): S62-S73.

Janice A. Sabin (July 14, 2022). “Tackling Implicit Bias in Health Care.” The New England Journal of Medicine 387:105-107.

Emily Boudreau (August 11, 2020). “Measuring Implicit Bias in Schools.” Usable Knowledge: Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Sandy Keeter (February 10, 2021). “How To Overcome Implicit Bias as an Educator.” Cengage.


Yan Lau (October 2022). “Does Racial Diversity Improve Academic Outcomes? A Natural Experiment in Higher Education Classrooms.” Labor Economics 78.

Liz Sablich (June 6, 2016). 7 Findings That Illustrate Racial Disparities in Education.” Brookings.

The Opportunity Agenda (June 2020). “8 Lessons for Talking about Race, Racism, and Racial Justice.”

Elly Belle (August 2, 2019). How White People Can Hold Each Other Accountable to Stop Institutional Racism.” Teen Vogue.

Phillip, Nicole (May 25, 2018), “9 People Reveal a Time They Racially Stereotyped a Stranger” The New York Times. 

Richard D. Kahlenberg and John C. Brittain (November 2022). “10 Ways Colleges can Diversify After Affirmative Action.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Cia Verschelden (2017). Handout on Values Affirmations.

Chelsea Long (April 25, 2022). “Few Black, Hispanic, and Native Researchers Are Getting Published.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Oyin Adedoyin (August 18, 2022). “What Happened to Black Enrollment?” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Tonya Russell (June 17, 2021). “What to Know About Depression in Black College Students.” PsychCentral.

Adam Williams (January 25, 2021). “Whose Land Am I On?” Humanitou Project.

Melissa Mejia (2020). “The US History of Native American Boarding Schools.” The Indigenous Foundation.

Amy Goodman (November 17, 2022). “Indigenous Activists Tom Goldtooth and Eriel Deranger on the Link Between Colonialism and the Climate Crisis.” Democracy Now.

Ruiz, Neil G., et al. (April 21, 2021). “One-Third of Asian Americans Fear Threats, Physical Attacks and Most Say Violence Against Them is Rising.” Pew Research. Center.

Nathan Steward (May 31, 2021). “Supporting the Health and Well-Being of Asian American and Pacific Islander College Students.” Timely MD.

Sarah Brown (February 11, 2022). “The Missing Hispanic Students.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

President Joseph Biden (Sept 13, 2021). “Executive Order on White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics.”

Faith Karimi (May 10, 2021). “What Critical Race Theory is – and Isn’t.” CNN.

Susan Ellingwood (July 1, 2021). “What is Critical Race Theory, and Why is Everyone Talking About it?”  Columbia News.


NCAA Inclusion. Summer 2022. “Fostering International Student-Athletes’ Inclusion – Action Steps for Athletics Administrators.”

Stefanie Baier (February 17, 2020). “Dos and Don’ts When Working with International Students in the Classroom.” Faculty Focus.

Kathryn Accurso and Jason Mizell (September 28, 2020). “Toward an Antiracist Genre Pedagogy: Considerations for a North American Context.” TEOSL Journal.

Christine Ro (June 3, 2021). “The Pervasive Problem of Linguistic Racism.” Worklife.


Ethan Siegel (February 28, 2020). “This is Why There are So Few Black Physicists and Astronomers (And How To Fix It).” Forbes.

Amy Reese (June 5, 2020). “Addressing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in an Undergraduate Course.” American Society for Microbiology.

Ann Haley MacKenzie (May/June 2022). “Inclusive Strategies for the Science Classroom.” National Science Teachers Association.

Tyler Marie Kyles, et al. (2022). “Five Essential Steps for Faculty to Mitigate Racial Bias and Microaggressions in the Classroom.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 86.

Erin Sanders O’Leary, et al. (2020). “Creating Inclusive Classrooms by Engaging STEM Faculty in Culturally Responsive Teaching Workshops.” International Journal of STEM Education.

Jessica Pilgrim (February 18, 2022). “Student Voices and Experiences on DEI.” California Classroom Science.


Francie Diep (Oct 20, 2021). “Disability Services Offices Sound the Alarm on Long Covid Among College Students.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.  

Fast Facts for Faculty. “Universal Design for Learning Elements of Good Teaching.”

Accessed Project. “Checklist for Universal Design of Tests.”

NCAA Inclusion.  Fall 2022. “Access and Accommodations for Student-Athletes with Disabilities.”

NCAA Inclusion. Fall 2022. “Language Can Impact How Your Athletes Perform.”

Ashley Eisenmenger (Dec 12, 2019). “Ableism. What it is, What it Looks Like, and How to Become a Better Ally.” Access Living.

Zawn Villines (Nov 7, 2021). “What is Ableism, and What is its Impact?” Medical News Today.

Socioeconomic Status

Shruti Magesh, et al. (November 11, 2021). “Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes by Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” JAMA Network.


Bell hooks (1994). “Confronting Class in the Classroom.” Teaching to Transgress (Routledge).

American Psychological Association. “Education and Socioeconomic Status Fact Sheet.”

Kriston McIntosh, et al. (February 27, 2020). “Examining the Black-White Wealth Gap.” Brookings Institute.


Eboo Patel (June 13, 2016). “Colleges Should Be Nurturing Interfaith Leaders.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Goldie Blumenstyk (April 20, 2022). “Teaching to Defeat Hate Online.” The Chronicle of Higher Education.  

Jonathan Greenblatt (November 2, 2022). “Stopping the Tide of Campus Antisemitism.” Inside Higher Education.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

“Discrimination Against Muslim Women – Fact Sheet.” American Civil Liberties Union.

“Anti-Muslim Discrimination.” American Civil Liberties Union.


“Understanding Sexual Orientation.” The JED Foundation.

“Understanding Gender Identity.” The JED Foundation.

Maria Carrasco (October 26, 2021). “Addressing the Mental Health Needs of LGBTQ+ Students.” Inside Higher Education

Lance Weinhardt, et al. (2021). “Pride Camp: Pilot Study of an Intervention to Develop Resilience and Self-Esteem Among LGBTQ Youth.” International Journal for Equity in Health 20: 150 ff.

Minkin, Rachel and Anna Brown (July 27, 2021). “Rising Share of US Adults Know Someone who is Transgender or Who Goes By Gender-Neutral Pronouns.” Pew Research Center.

ELLEN BARA STOLZENBERG AND BRYCE HUGHES, The Experiences of Incoming Transgender College Students – New Data on Gender Identity (Liberal Education 2017)

“How Microaggressions Affect the LBGTQ+ Community.”

“Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law Threatens America’s Teens.” (April 1, 2022). The JED Foundation.

TransLash: We Tell Trans Stories to Save Trans Lives

Madelyn Gelpi (May 2020). “What’s Your Pronoun? Strategies for Inclusion in the Workplace.” Out & Equal Workplace Advocates.

“An Ally’s Guide to Terminology: Talking about LGBTQ People and Equality.” Movement Advancement Project (2020).