Other Courses
The following courses taught by faculty outside of the Department of Anthropology count as electives for the anthropology major or minor:
ANTH 3079/GEOL 3024 Stones & Bones: Unearthing Past Environments
ANTH/GEOL 233 Geographic Info Systems (with lab)
ANTH/BIOL 258 Ethnobotany (with or without lab)
ANTH/BIOL 343 Evolution
CLAS 103/ASIA 109 Introduction to Ethnic Studies
FILM 271 World Cinema
MUS/ASIA 210 Musics of the World
MUS/ASIA 244 Musics of South Asia
REL 221/ASIA 261 Religions of South Asia
REL 281 American Religious Lives
REL 3024 Women, Religion, and Food
Several pre-approved study abroad courses also count for the anthropology major or minor. See https://www.stlawu.edu/offices/registrars-office/campus-programs-pre-approved-courses for an updated list.