Anthropology Department
Want to see the world in a different way? Then check out anthropology! As an anthropology student, the whole human world, past and present, will be your subject. You will get the tools you need to understand all aspects of the human experience, from our DNA to the languages we speak to the artifacts we make, from the beginnings of primate evolution to the contemporary era of rich cultural diversity.
Our majors and minors choose from a broad range of courses in archaeology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and biological anthropology. Our majors also complete an experiential learning component which can involve study abroad, independent research, community-based learning, or an internship. Our graduates put their anthropological skills to use in many different settings: schools and universities, government agencies, private companies, and non-profit organizations.
Our faculty members have done research in Egypt, India, Indonesia, Namibia, Sudan, and upstate New York, and we mentor student research in many other places both at home and abroad. Our teaching and research laboratories house several collections of artifacts as well as human skeletal materials and ancient bone and fossil casts for hands-on study. We hope to see you in our classes!
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Anthropology Club
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