Apps & More
St. Lawrence partners with BetterYou, a wellness companion app that students can use to set goals to improve sleep, study habits, exercise, and more. Plus, students earn rewarding for onboarding with the app and meeting their goals. We also regularly run challenges through the app, including campus-wide step challenges and sleep challenges, during which students who demonstrate the most gains toward their personal goals have opportunities to win prizes! Current students can find the app on the App Store or Google play and should sign up using their stlawu email address.

TalkCampus provides 24/7 peer support in 20+ languages. St. Lawrence students can access the app on their phone or laptop to chat with fellow college and university students from around the globe. Posts shared on the app are anonymous, but the platform includes clinical safeguarding. This means that if a student appears to be at risk of harm to self or others, the student will be connected with appropriate resources to help. Current students should sign up for the app using their stlawu email address.

Wellness Instagram
Students can follow the official Wellness Education Instagram to learn more about campus resources, check out upcoming events, and view posts about stress management, study tips, safe alcohol use, and more. Highlights on the account include fitness and recreational facilities hours, maps of campus trails, information about making a health or counseling appointment, and more!