Wellness Programs
The Wellness Education office offers sponsors engaging events that promote well-being and educate students about various aspects of maintaining strong physical, mental, and emotional health.
Pet De-Stress
Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease stress. That's why we offer Pet De-Stress events every Friday while classes are in session. Students can stop by to spend time with dogs and cats, plus chat with each other and the faculty and staff volunteers who bring their animals to this popular program.
World Mental Health Day
Every fall semester, we honor World Mental Health Day with a series of events that aim to destigmatize caring for one's mental health. Past events have included open houses at the Counseling Center with free food and games, guided meditation workshops, and planting a yellow daffodil garden as part of the Yellow Tulip Project, which aims to "smash stigma against mental illness".
Fresh Check Day
At the beginning of each spring semester, the Wellness Education office works with clubs and organizations to host Fresh Check Day, a large-scale mental health fair. By visiting interactive booths, students learn about various ways to care for their mental health, including the benefits of art, exercise, and intentional self-care. There are always free giveaways and raffles, too!
Other Events
Looking for more? Wellness Ed regularly sponsors additional opportunities to engage in personal well-being practices. These include guided meditation nights and mindfulness workshops. We also partner with student organizations and the CA Wellness Council to cosponsor popular programs like Plant 'n Paint, during which students tap into their creative sides by painting a pot, then plant succulents to take back to their rooms!