Fall 2021 Graduate Course Listing

LEAD-5001 Org Cult'r & Athletics (RS)
0.83 Credits

8/25/21 - 12/17/21

M, 9:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Augsbury 112 
VanKirk, E

LEAD-5010 Great Books in Leadership (GB)
0.83 Credits

The Great Books in Leadership course is an intensive graduate-level reading workshop designed to consider current topics by reading in-depth a small selection of canonical texts. Together in class, we will discuss three leadership styles that held popularity during particular periods in time, comparing and contrasting how historical events have an effect on leadership trends: Machiavellian Leadership (reading ThePrince), Charismatic Leadership (reading Weber), and Servant Leadership reading Greenleaf and Gandhi's Story of My Experiments with Truth). This meets an essential core requirement (GB).

8/25/21 - 12/17/21

W, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Atwood 34
VanKirk, E

LEAD-5011 Sports & Legal Concepts (EL)
0.83 Credits

Sports and Legal Concepts That Impact Coaching (EL) This course will focus on legal principles which can affect coaching athletic teams. In order to protect players from injury and their institutions from legal exposure, coaches must be aware of the inherent risks in their profession. From practice to competition, risk is an issue coaches must manage on a daily basis. It is essential, therefore, that coaches understand the legal concept of negligence, which includes duty, breach of duty, causation and harm, and the concepts of agency and transfer of liability. Students will identify the risks in their sports and assess their facilities in order to create a safe environment for their players and themselves. Additionally, students will be introduced to laws that impact sports, such as Title IX of the United States Code.

8/25/21 - 12/17/21

M, 7:00 PM - 9:45 PM
Augsbury 124
E. VanKirk

LEAD-5012 Leadership & Mental Health
0.83 Credits

Leadership and Mental Health (EL) Whether one is supervising employees, coaching athletes, teaching students, or simply being a good co-worker, it is helpful to have an understanding of mental health. Mental disorders, violence prevention, anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, and forms of abuse will be some of the topics covered. The course will be based on both theory and practice when it comes to leadership and mental health. It will be an overview of what to expect when acting in a position of leadership or authority and when faced with ethically managing or responding to mental health issues.

8/25/21 - 12/17/21

W, 9:45 AM - 12:30 PM
EJ Noble 228
Ladd, P

LEAD-592 Intrnshp:AthlAdministration
0.83 Credits

Course Description: This internship is designed as an introductory experience in coaching/athletic administration for graduate students pursuing the M. Ed at St. Lawrence. Students will participate in weekly seminars focused on a variety of professional development topics related to coaching in an athletic department, student-athlete development, and athletic administration in schools. In addition, students will participate in on-site management, supervision, and evaluation experiences in a variety of programs (e.g. sport, physical activity, intramurals, fitness, sports information). Included in the course requirements will be the organization of a professional portfolio that will include samples of presentations focused on the development of the student-athletes in a school athletic program (e.g. personal and social responsibility, study skills, team-building, conflict resolution, ethics, fundraising).

8/25/21 - 12/17/21
T, 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
EJ Noble 221
M. Mahoney

To register, visit: www.stlawu.edu/graduate-programs/course-registration