Paddling at St. Lawrence University
Exploring local rivers and lakes by canoe or kayak are excellent ways to build connection to the North Country ecosystem. Trips and clinics happen while the weather is warm from our very own Canoe House on the Little Grasse River as well as the surrounding waterways. When temps are cold, students are often in the pool working on their kayak rolling.
Swift Water Rescue courses as well as courses for credit are also offered as part of our paddling program. It is our hope that the Outdoor Program's water-based opportunities and course-offerings will help support national trends toward a more outdoor-oriented populace. Finding value in unpolluted, pristine rivers, whether intrinsically or recreationally, is the first step in conserving and preserving these resources for future generations.
Previous River Trips:
- Missinaibi River 1997
- Wekwayakaustic River 1999
- North French River 2000
- Lawagamau River 2001
- Partridge River 2002
- Natagami 2003
- Kesagami River 2004
- Wawagamau River 2005
- Little Whale River 2005
- Dumoine River 2006
- North French River 2006
- Wekwayakaustic River 2007
- Nastapoka River 2007
- Petiwawa River 2008
- Rupert River 2008
- Upper Pontax River 2009
- Lower Pontax River 2010
- Coulonge River 2011
- Lapellier River 2011
- Petiwawa River 2014
- Green River 2018
- Colorado River 2023
- San Juan River 2024