Envs-Government Combined Major
Environmental Studies–Government
- 7 units Combined Major Core
- 1 unit 103. Introduction to American Politics*
- 1 unit 105. Introduction to Comparative Politics*
- 1 unit 108. Introduction to International Politics* or 206. Introduction to Political Theory
- 1 unit 290, 291, 292, or 293. Research Seminar
- 1 unit Any one elective course that is predominantly focused on the Environment and taught within the Government department. This includes Global environmental politics and political ecology.
- 2 units Electives**
- 14 units Total
*At least one of these courses must be taken as a writing-intensive course.
**Electives that are dual-listed should be taken under the government number. These dual-listed electives count toward the government portion of the combined major. Electives may not include another research seminar, and only one elective may be taken off-campus. A total of up to one unit of internship and independent study can be counted toward the elective requirements.