Chymist Honor Society
The Chymist honorary organization derives its name from Robert Boyle’s “The Sceptical Chymist”, a volume which solidifies Boyle as the founder of Modern Chemistry.
To be eligible for membership, students must have taken at least six courses in Chemistry and/or Biochemistry (Chem 103-104 , Chem 221-222, and two additional electives at the 200-level or above, one of which must be at or above the 300-level), have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the best of six courses, and must have an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.2.
2023/2024 Chymist Inductions: Blake Heston, Leah Biwot, Leana Dickhens, Emma Rothe, Brooke Westcom and Melinda Barath
2022/2023 Chymist Inductions: Melinda Barath, Leah Biwot, Grace Defranco, William Heston, Annie Knapp, Eliza O'Donnell, Mirabelle Pond, Emma Rothe and Chyanne Turner

2021/2022 Chymist Inductions: Congratulations! Aseman Bagheri Sheshdeh, Abbie Cooper, Natalie Nordyke, and Carter Tracy. (No picture taken per COVID 19 restrictions.)
2020/2021 Chymist Inductions: Emmanuella Dwomo Agyei, Hannah Kenney, Leo Romanetz, MacKenzie Russ and Rachel Siegel (No picture taken per COVID 19 restrictions.)
2019/2020 Chymist Inductions: Annie Bovee, Jack Greene and Erica Sawyer

Spring 2019 Chymist Inductions: Cory Couture, Gabrielle Davis, John Hoefler, Evan Ketcham, Lisa Kozodoy, Leah Livernois, Heinrich Salzmann and Kellen Wolfe

Fall 2018 Chymist Inductions: Dylan Babcock, Sydney Chatfield (not in photo), Lillian Devereux, Logan Mancuso and So Min (Kate) Park

Spring 2018 Chymist Inductions: David Bain, Abigail Enders, Sarah Potter, Alissa Stone and Natasha Turyasingura

Fall 2017 Chymist Inductions: Anne Buck, Kelsey Murphy, Meghan Oram, Avery Peck and Nicholas Santano
Spring 2017 Chymist Inductions: Vanessa Chilunda, Danielle Couture, Ellis J. Curtis III, Tyler Guido and Heather Raimer
Fall 2016 Chymist Inductions: Monica Bedford, Isabel Bogacz, Kelly Burke, Stephanie Johnson, Jamie Wilson and Wenyao Zhang
Spring 2016 Chymist Inductions: Sarah DiBacco, Connor Heaney, Jordan Koloski, Stephanie Kustos, George Misiewicz and Anna Padovani
Spring 2015 Chymist Inductions: Hunter Berrus, Marissa Boyer, Scott Chapp, Meagan Gadzuk-Shea and Emily Metzger
Spring 2014 Chymist Inductions: Chelsea Corson, David DiStefano, Gregory McDonald, Spencer Nelson, Kelly Nolan, and Allison Schloop The new inductees join current members Julia Friesen, Lara Clemens, Katie Buxton, Brendan Courneene, Jesse Gaboury and Rachael Kenney
On November 1st, 2013 ACS hosted fall inductions to the Chymist Honorary Society. Lara Clemens ’14 (biochemistry), Julia Friesen ’14 (biology), Jesse Gaboury ’15 (chemistry) and Rachael Kenney ’14 (chemistry)!
On October 31st, 2013 ACS visited Canton Central’s McKenney Middle School where we engaged 5th graders in various chemistry experiments. The students greatly enjoyed observing the Giant’s Toothpaste reaction, eating Nitrogen ice cream, smelling various esters, and making their own Bouncy Balls. And, we were featured in the Watertown Daily Times! A big thank you to all students who helped out!
Also underway this semester, ACS has cleaned our adopted roadway and is working on designing periodic tables for the Chemistry department. A design contest will be held towards the end of the semester, with the winning periodic tables being posted in Johnson and Valentine and the winner receiving a gift card.
Spring 2013 Chymist Inductions: Bethany Pond, William Mitchell, Meredith Allen, Allysa Houle, Katherine Buxton, Brendan Courneene and Andrea McCoon
Spring 2012 Chymist Inductions: Kiersten LaPorte, Elle Rathbun, Andrew Hayes, Doug McWilliams, Jeff Kott, Louis Trzepkowski and Kylie Rock