Constance Scharff ’94, Ph.D.

Constance Scharff PhD ’94 has dedicated her career to helping others overcome some of life’s greatest challenges, specifically addiction and trauma. Connie earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from St. Lawrence with minors in both Asian Studies and African Studies. After college, she got sober. Years into her recovery, she became incensed by the lack of quality addiction and trauma treatment veterans were receiving upon their return from Iraq and Afghanistan. Connie went back to school at the California Institute of Integral Studies, earning a Master’s in Transformative Leadership and PhD in Transformative Studies. She found purpose helping people radically transform their lives.
Connie currently serves as the Science and Research Chair on the board of directors for the nonprofit Rock to Recovery and on staff as VP of Business Development. Rock to Recovery is a program designed to help non-musicians access the magic, healing and uplifting power of writing and playing music. She is also writing a book about Rock to Recovery with the organization’s founder.
Connie is the author of the award-winning poetry book, Meeting God at Midnight and the Amazon best-selling, Ending Addiction for Good. She has worked on a global level to help those who suffer from addiction and mental illness to ensure they receive compassionate and adequate care. Connie has partnered with various organizations including UNESCO, The World Federation for Mental Health, VFW and various chapters of the American Psychological Association. In addition, she has consulted and supported addiction treatment efforts in South Africa, Egypt, Slovenia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Thailand, Peru, and Israel, among others. Connie is a passionate advocate for those suffering from mental illness and works to destigmatize addiction and mental illness, so those in need can better access the care and support they require to live abundant lives.
Connie has been a loyal Laurentian, serving her classmates as the Class of 1994 reporter. She is a Sustaining Saint, having annually supported the St. Lawrence Fund, while also making contributions towards a variety of University initiatives including the Kenya Program, Engaging Africa, and International House.