Alumni Executive Council Business Meeting
October 5, 2019
President Cortney Terrillion called the meeting to order at 9:35 A.M. ET.

Following role call by Secretary Chelsea Lloyd, a quorum was documented.
Present: Bates, Beyer, Bickford, Blank, Burbage, Cochran, Colucci, Danielson, Egbert, Faulkner, Frank, Friedlander, Giles, Glass, Gotham, Gross, Hallock, Hann, Higgins, Ireland, Jenkins, Kelly, Kuno, Lancaster, Lawler, Levi, Lloyd, McManus, McSweeney, North, Patrick, Rana, Richman, Russell, D. Ryan, M. Ryan, Taylor, Terrillion, Wheeler, Wieland, Willis, Wilson, Zonitch
Not Present: Abernethy, Hakewill, Hughes, Kallet, Lee, Michaelson, Peterson, Santini, Smith, Stern, Twombly, Wells
Approval of the 08 June 2019 Business Meeting minutes were moved by Scott Giles and seconded by Elizabeth Colucci. There were no objections to the meeting minutes.
President’s Report - Cortney Terrillion
Cortney updated Council on Project Halo – to be the #1 Alumni Network. A survey to students is scheduled to go out shortly. She also met with Christine Zimmerman – in institutional research - to review U.S. News and World Report from the past 20 years – to identify how we can improve our ranking.
Campus Report - Kim Hissong
Kim reported that the Presidential Commission on Diversity Report of 2014 recommended that the University conduct a campus diversity and inclusion climate study every 3-5 years, and openly share the results. In response to that recommendation, a Campus Climate Survey was conducted in March 2018. Through a series of open presentations on campus throughout the late spring and early fall, the results of this study are being shared with the internal campus community. Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Kimberly Flint-Hamilton and Director of IR, Christine Zimmerman, have already extended the offer to Council to have them join us at an upcoming meeting to share the results with us and engage in meaningful dialogue. The goal is to develop a University Diversity & Action Plan by Fall 2020.
University Advancement signed a contract with PeopleGrove, a software company that specializes in the creation of online alumni directories, networking and mentoring platforms. This new software will replace our current my St. Lawrence alumni directory with a much more dynamic, user-friendly directory. It will also provide a management tool for making matches within the LINC mentoring program – allowing the program to grow from 130 students to close to 200 over the next two years. It also provides a platform for flash mentoring or informal mentoring between alumni and students – individuals can offer or seek a service. Stay tuned for more information as this project unfolds. It’s a 6-8 week implementation at minimum.
And two pride points from recent News Digests that highlight the profound impact our students are having on the world: Senior, Kenneth Adames-Ramos ‘20 was recently recognized as a national student role model by The Minority Access National Role Models Project. Minority Access honors inspiring
students, faculty, alumni, innovators and diverse institutions as role models to expand the pool of minority scientists, researchers and professionals in fields underrepresented by minorities. Amanda Barreto Salgueiro ’23, a first year student here at SLU, who during her first semester here was selected to meet with a delegation of United Nations on issues of greatest concerns to University students. She was also selected as one of 10 UWC students representing eight different countries to meet with the UN delegation. Amanda is originally from Italy.
Student Delegate Report - Liam Burbage/Nicholle Gotham/Sohel Rana/Trey Wheeler
Sohel Rana is a member of ACE - Association for Campus Entertainment. He reported on the recent Fall Fest concert on campus where over 1,500 students attended. He is also involved with partnering with Thelmo regarding mental health concerns on campus.
Trey Wheeler expanded on Sohel’s comments on funding for clubs and organizations. Funding will be cut if clubs are not present on campus or abiding to club regulations. Sohel and Trey are working to enforce policies and inclusion. On mental health for today’s students, Trey added that there is a 24-hour hotline for students to mitigate wait time at the health center for mental health counseling.
Trey also shared his role with orientation of the newest first-year class. They had some challenges adjusting but they are a smart and sociable class. They can be seen leaving their doors open.
Nicholle Gotham is involved in Relay for Life event to raise money for the American Cancer Society. She is hoping to provide funds for the $10-20 entry fee for students. The Hill News is becoming more digital with a website now and an app to come. They are hoping to engage more alumni. This year, Greek recruitment numbers were low and Greek leaders are hoping for better numbers in the Spring. Nicholle spent summer interning at North Country Public Radio and stayed on for the fall semester – receiving credit since the internship is unpaid. She is now working on an internship program for NCPR.
Liam Burbage updated Council on the day of community service and volunteering around the Canton community. His goal is to get more students involved in community service work and to unite the community and the campus. Some activities include organize fall clean-up of yards and leaves for Canton residence and Campus Kitchen to help hunger in the North Country. Campus Kitchen uses left over food from Dana Dining Hall and provides it to the community. Liam also shared his experience volunteering at a farm and delivering a calf first year.
Treasurer’s/F&R Committee Report - Paul Danielson
All committees have stayed within their budgets that were submitted to the Finance and Resources Committee. Total cash available next year is estimated to be $58,000. However, we continue to see a $6,000 per year slippage.
Rick Beyer questioned the $0.00 on internship endowment which no longer comes out of our budget. It comes out of the AEC Internship Endowment. Line item agreed to be removed.
There was a reminder for Cluster 5 to use the young alumni reimbursement post AEC meetings for additional support.
As of 9/9/19 AEC Endowment is at $356k in cash and pledges, surpassing our goal of $250k.
Our AEC budget for next year will be voted on in December on our virtual call. Chairs are to submit their budget requests ASAP. To manage the $6,000 slippage, we can cut expenses or increase income. This is something to be aware of, not an urgent risk. Gretchen Bates mentioned the parents weekend auction and would be successful for AEC. Sally McSweeney shared it would be worth creating a working group for the silent auction.
A request for an increased revenue stream from the University would understandably occur after the Campaign.
Committee Report and Working Group Updates
Admissions - Scott Giles and Sarah Wieland
There were 620 incoming first-years, 57% female. More analytic work to be done for yield on our hand written letters to students but the initial feedback from students on this personal touch has been very positive. There have been 450 letters written by AEC to students.
Jackie Kuno asked for the assignments ASAP to write or call – she spent 30 minutes to an hour speaking with the accepted students or their parents. Gretchen Bates also called students and parents and requested feedback from admissions on these efforts.
Look for a link to recommend a student in your community that would be a good St. Lawrence fit. The Admissions team will then reach out to that student.
Advancement & Engagement - Rob Glass and Laura Patrick
Advancement and Engagement met separately and then together. For Engagement, the focus for this weekend is Homecoming - football and soccer games – get excited to chat with people and enjoy the
day. Laura Patrick shared reminders for assigned time slots at the AEC sponsored tailgate tents. Be seen, be heard.
Also a reminder to send the survey for Alumni College to 10 people.
There is also a strong interest in engaging international alumni – a focus of the committee.
Rob Glass shared the Advancement update. 2019 Annual results – the first-time advancement raised over $7M. Participation was down as was the market in Nov/Dec. We saw an increase in the average amount donated - increase in average gift from $189 to $208.
Seniors can donate $10 to get a cord at graduation for Candle in the Wilderness Society. Advancement is considering an ask of students to donate post-graduation and make a pledge $5 for 5 year. For 2019 Seniors class gift 71% of the Class of 2019 participated.
The committee is working on - Harness the Power of Connections – by focusing on affinity groups. Who does it well? Lacrosse, KDS, Geology (conference on campus every 3 years). The ask – who are your affinity groups and why do you come back to campus? See Rob.
Bylaws Review - Molly Hann
Molly continues to review policies and new items to include in bylaws. The leave of absence and attendance policy as well as the officer election working group document is being reviewed. To be circulated ~Nov 1 for our review and vote on Dec 1 call.
Communications Working Group - Alyssa Cochran
Alyssa shared the AEC elevator pitch to put to use at Homecoming and future events. The working group is working on a graphic for the University magazine - Alumni Executive Council by the numbers. It is a resource that may be helpful to AEC members and committees and can be easily shared. There is continued work on the AEC style guide to include topics on logo, social media guidelines. If on Facebook, like St Lawrence University Alumni Association page. Like posts on this page which will affect the algorithms and tag your friends so they can see the content.
Membership & Honors - Amy Faulkner
Amy asked members to stand: Dennis Ryan, Rick Beyer, Molly Hann and Dan Lee all work closely with Kim. They have received over 150 new nominations for new AEC members. The committee will approach second term members to see if they are interested in continuing a second, three-year term. They will also approach individuals who are close to retirement. We are in need in 1970 and more senior and women. We have a great pool of candidates for 2007-2017. Rick Beyer worked to connect with campus faculty/staff to recommend cluster V members.
Alumni citation and Sol Feinstone nomination forms and criteria will be sent via email. Look for communication prior to Dec 1 for nominations for officers.
NYC Semester Working Group - Penn Egbert
Event to be held NYC in January – encourage NY residences to attend and meet with students in the program.
Student Services - Elizabeth Colucci
Elizabeth thanked Council for attending the networking event on Friday. Career conversations will be our next event at the winter meeting. This event is to offer guidance and make connections in informal conversations with students. Future work for the Student Services Committee – plug and support programs – SLU Connect, LINC, etc. Keep in mind, what meaningful work can Student Services do? The committee is working on a webform to nominate individuals in our network to volunteer for SLU Connect, LINC, etc. They are working to increase the number of alumni to post jobs and internships on Handshake. Let Elizabeth know if you’re interested in hosting a small group of students who have an internship in your city (Welcome to the City – not funded by the University).
Faculty Engagement Working Group - Anne McManus
The Faculty Engagement Working Group is having conversation around ways to tweak what they are doing. There is an opportunity for alumni to attend classes and a great opportunity for programming with faculty at AEC meetings. How else can we support faculty? The initial database has been put together and available to faculty for this fall – a list of alumni willing to skype into classes or assist students with specific needs in a desired field. Coffee chats with alumni and faculty is an interest. There are 25 new faculty members. The working group is welcome to suggestions to become more of a support system to faculty. There is an interest in Council to support a teaching award – consider for next year’s budget. Rick Beyer shared that professors are happy to have alumni reach out and come to their classroom to speak to students. Please reach out to Anne if interested in being added to the database.
New Business
Cortney Terrillion provided clarifications on the silent auction on being successful however it was a burden to the University by time and resources.
Power of Connections Fund - our goal is to raise $250,000 to be used for SLU Connect, Laurentians in Residence, LINC, St. Lawrence University Public Interest Corp, Sophomore Bootcamp and experiential learning opportunities for every student. The language is worded so the funds can be flexible for use at the University’s discretion. Cheryl suggested adding to the final bullet to include alumni. Kim read a change added recently to include this point. Cortney read the resolution of the Power of Connections Fund. There was no opposition for members. The motion passed unanimously.
Laura Patrick asked about timing of funding. F&R committee is to discuss. The Internship Endowment was 2015-Jun 2018 with pledges extending beyond three years. Paul Danielsen shared there is no defined end date. F&R to share messaging with Council.
Sally Neuber Kelly shared - the HEOP Program has a need for students who have no place to go following the end of the school year or on breaks. There is a need when the dining hall is closed and there is no place for the students to go. There is interest in Council support to open homes to students who do not go home on break or over the summer. This is also an International student need. To be discussed
The assembled group sang the Alma Mater.
The meeting adjourned at 11:24a EST by President Cortney Terrillion with movement from Don Jenkins
and a second from Gretchen Bates.
Notes submitted by Chelsea Lloyd, Secretary.