Rights in Sexual Misconduct Cases


Anyone reporting an incident of sexual assault, domestic or dating violence or stalking has the right to:

A.            emergency access to a Title IX Coordinator or other appropriate official trained in interviewing victims of sexual assault who shall be available upon the first instance of disclosure by a reporting individual and who can provide information, including:

                                    (i)        options to proceed, including the right to make a report to Campus Safety (reports to Campus Safety are reported to the Title IX Coordinator), Local Law Enforcement, and/or the New York State Police or choose not to report; to report the incident to the University; to be protected by the University from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from the University, as set out in the St. Lawrence University Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

                                   (ii)        where applicable, the importance of preserving evidence and obtaining a sexual assault forensic examination as soon as possible;

                                  (iii)        that the criminal justice process utilizes different standards of proof and evidence than the University’s misconduct procedures and that any questions about whether a specific incident violated the penal law should be addressed to law enforcement or to the district attorney;

                                 (iv)        whether the person they are reporting to is authorized to offer the confidentiality or privacy; and

                                  (v)        Any other reporting options.

B.            If they are a student, to contact the University’s Health and Counseling Center, whether they may be offered confidential resources pursuant to applicable laws and can be assisted in obtaining services for reporting individuals; if they are not a student but are otherwise a member of the University community, to contact non-University confidential resources, including:

                                           (i)        Safety and Security, 315-229-5555

                                          (ii)       Interim  Title IX Coordinator Kimberly Flint-Hamilton, kflint@stlawu.edu, 315-229-1881

C.           Disclose confidentially the incident and obtain services from the state or local government;

D.           Disclose the incident to the University’s Responsible Administrators who can offer privacy or, appropriate cases determined by the Title IX Coordinator, confidentiality, subject the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy, and can assist in obtaining resources for reporting individuals;

E.            File a report of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking and consult the Title IX Coordinator and other appropriate University personnel for information and assistance.  Reports shall be investigated in accordance with University policy. A reporting individual's identity shall remain private if that is what the reporting individual wishes, however privacy is not the same as confidentiality and private information can be shared as necessary to implement and fulfill the University’s obligations under the law and its Discrimination and Harassment Policy and related Procedures;

F.            Disclose, if the accused is a University employee of the institution, the incident to Human Resources or to request that a private employee assist in reporting to Human Resources; and

G.           Receive assistance from appropriate University representatives if interested in initiating legal proceedings in family court or civil court, such assistance to consist of facilitation in contacting appropriate local agencies (e.g., Renewal House), who can provide direct assistance with court proceedings.

H.           Withdraw a complaint or involvement from the University processes at any time, with the understanding that in appropriate cases, the University may nonetheless be required to proceed even if the reporting individual does not wish to do so.

Information about available resources, including intervention, mental health counseling and medical services that might be available to anyone reporting an incident can be found here.  In addition, information on sexually transmitted infections and sexual assault forensic examinations can be obtained from the Health and Counseling Center, if a student, or from Canton-Potsdam Hospital (315-265-3300), if an employee.  Certain resources are also available to victims of crimes through the New York State Office of Victim Services, www. https://ovs.ny.gov/ .

Resources and Questions

This website offers the University’s complete policies, procedures, and resources for sexual violence response.

Confidential Resources

If you wish to report confidentially, in which case your identity will not be revealed to University officials, nor will the University be able to act on your report), contact:

On-Campus Confidential Resources

·         Diana B. Torrey '82 Health and Counseling Center (315-229-5392) information provided  (for St. Lawrence University students only)

·         Chaplain’s Office (315-229-5256)  (for St. Lawrence University students only)

·         St. Lawrence University Advocates Program and Sexual Violence Advocates Hotline: 244-5466

Off-Campus Confidential Resources

·         Renewal House (315-379-9845) information provided (for all victims)

*Note:  Off-campus “safe housing” and Family Court Orders of Protection may be facilitated through Renewal House.

·         Reachout 24/7 Crisis Hotline (315-265-2422) (for all victims)

·         NYS Crime Victim’s Board (800-247-8035) (for all victims)

·         Employee Assistance Program (800-327-2255) (for St. Lawrence University employees)

·         AIDS Community Resources (315-386-4493) (for all victims)

·         Planned Parenthood of NNY (315-386-8821) (for all victims)

·         Canton-Potsdam Hospital (315-265-3300)

 Mandatory Reporters

If you wish to report officially (whether formally seeking an investigation) or informally (seeking other resolution) or with other questions, contact: 

Security:  229-5555 (always available, 24/7)

  • Lindsey Cohen, Title IX Coordinator, Sexual Misconduct Prevention Educator, lcohen@stlawu.edu, (315-229-5334), 11 Hillside Room 5 (upstairs)
  • Kimberly Flint-Hamilton, Associate Dean of Diversity & Inclusion, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, kflint@stlawu.edu , (315-229-1881), Student Center 333
  • Hagi Bradley, VP and Dean of Students, ebradley@stlawu.edu (315-229-5311), Sullivan Student Center
  • Patrick Gagnon, Assistant Vice President, Safety & Security and Emergency Management and Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator, pgagnon@stlawu.edu (315-229-5609), Torrey Health Center
  • Rance Davis, Associate Dean of Student Life, rdavis@stlawu.edu (315-229-5551), Sullivan Student Center
  • Karl Schonberg, VP and Dean of Academic Affairs, kschonberg@stlawu.edu (315-229-5993), Vilas 103
  • Evelyn Jennings, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, ejennings@stlawu.edu (315-229-5993), Vilas 103
  • Colleen Manley, Director of Human Resources for Employee Relations, cmanley@stlawu.edu (315-229-5988), Vilas G2
  • Bob Durocher, Athletic Director and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, bdur@stlawu.edu (315-229-5870), Augsbury Center
  • Ashlee Downing-Duke, Senior Associate Director of Student Activities & Leadership and Deputy Title IX Coordinator (315-229-5135) adowning@stlawu.edu, Sullivan Student Center
  • Christopher Marquart, Assistant Dean and Director of Residence Life, cmarquart@stlawu.edu (315-229-5250), Sullivan Student Center
  • Maverick Cummings, Assistant Director of Residence Life, mcummings@stlawu.edu (315-229-5250), Sullivan Student Center 230
  • Stacie Olney LaPierre, Senior Associate Director of Residence Life, slapierre (315-229-5252), Sullivan Student Center 228
  • All Security Officers, (315-229-5555), Torrey Health Center, 76 Park Street, rear entrance, (Available 24 hours/day)
  • All Community Assistants (CAs), Residential Coordinators (RCs), and Theme Coordinators

Off-campus Official Resources

You have the right to file a report with local law enforcement, the Canton Police Department (386-4561 or 911] or the New York State Police Sexual Assault Hotline (844) 845-7269).  Campus Safety can assist you in contacting law enforcement.  While you are not required to report instances of sexual assault to law enforcement, you are encouraged to do so.

If you are the survivor of sexual violence:

  • Go to a safe place—your own room, a friend’s room, or anywhere you will feel safe.
  • Call someone you trust. No matter how late it is, you should not be alone.

    To discuss confidentially:
    • If you wish to maintain your confidentiality at this point, call a close friend, your roommate, or an Advocate (315-244-5466).   Advocates are St. Lawrence University students committed to providing a safe and confidential resource for individuals need of support and information around sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, and other personal violations. They are available 24/7.

You can also contact a counselor. Counselors are confidential resources who can help you sort through your immediate needs, provide emotional support, and help you to connect with other emergency resources. All members of the counseling staff have training and experience with individuals in crisis. There is always a counselor on call through Safety and Security, x5555. Simply say “I need a counselor on call.”  You don't need to disclose the nature of your emergency; provide a phone number at which you can be reached.