Public Health Electives



Public Health Electives

Additional courses may be approved by a Public Health Program Coordinator.

Global and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Health

  • AFS 3045/ ENG 3064/ FR 3047 - Zombies, Epidemics, & Illnesses in the Francophone World
  • AFS 3058/PH 3012/SOC 3118 - Health & Healing: Social Determinants in East Africa (Kenya)
  • ANTH 243/3072 - Medicines & Meanings 
  • BIOL 412/GS 412 - Cross-Cultural Healing
  • CLAS 303 - Gender & Health among Latinx
  • CNS 3002/GNDR 3092/GS 3058 - Gender, Race & Class in Health Policy in the US & CAN
  • GS 264 - Global Public Health: Critical Approaches
  • GS 268 - Global Health & Justice
  • GS 365 - Rethinking Population, Health, & Environment
  • HIST 3117 - The History of Sports in Latin America - From the Aztec Ball Game to Esports
  • PH 3017 - The Global HIV Epidemic

Critical Humanistic Perspectives on Health 

  • ANTH 4020 - Anthropology of the Body
  • EDUC 325/GNDR 325 - Sexuality Education
  • EDUC 4014 - Great (S)expectations
  • ENG 3076/DMF 3076 - LS: Cyborg in Literature & Film
  • ENG 3085 - Narrative Medicine, Medical Narratives
  • FRPG 2181 - Health, Disease, & Death
  • FRPG 2222 - The Plate & the Planet: Stories About Eating & the Environment
  • PCA 335/GNDR 335 - Sex Talk
  • PCA 343/GNDR - Taboo Performances
  • PCA 370 - Against Health: Rhetoric & the Health Humanities
  • PCA 375 - Theatre, Sustainability and the Natural World 
  • PCA 3074 - Science Communication
  • PH 310 - Social Determinants of Health
  • PH 3016 - Experiential Learning in Public Health w/ CBL
  • PH 3020 - Health, Culture, & Society 
  • PH 3021 - Rural Public Health
  • PH/SSES 3024 - SophSem: Somatic Transformation: From Self to Social Justice
  • PH/ENG 3086 - Health Humanities: Narratives of the Body
  • PHIL 354/CBL 354 - Bioethics w/CBL and w/out CBL
  • PHIL 4016 - Philosophy of Psychiatry
  • PHIL 4025 - Philosophy of the Health & Social Sciences
  • REL 3024/GNDR 3025 - Women, Religion, & Food
  • SOC 225 - Women's Health & Aging
  • SOC 246 - Aging & Society w/ CBL (Also SOC 246CBL)
  • SOC 275 - Medical Sociology

Scientific Perspectives on Health 

  • ANTH 270 - Plagues & Peoples
  • ANTH 4024 - Paleoepidemiology
  • BIOL 230 - Food from the Sea
  • BIOL 231 - Microbiology w/Lab
  • BIOL 258/ANTH 258/ASIA/ENVS/GS 258 - Ethnobotany (w/Lab or w/out Lab)
  • BIOL 315 - Human Nutrition
  • BIOL 370 - Hormones, Disease & Development
  • BIOL 388/NRSCI 388 - Drugs & the Brain w/Lab
  • CHEM 306WL/ENVS 306WL - Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology w/Lab
  • CHEM 324 - Synthesis of Pharmaceutical Substances
  • ENVS 110/GEOL 110 - Environmental Geology (w/Lab or w/out Lab)
  • MATH 230 - Differential Equations (with a PH focused project)
  • PH 311 (4041)/ENVS 311 (4041) - Issues in Environmental Health (ESP)'
  • PH 3074/ENVS 3074 - Intro to Environmental & Occupational Health
  • PH 3079/ENVS 3079 - Our Stressed Seas N/S
  • PH 309 (4042)/ENVS 309 (4042) - Taming Trash
  • PSYC 237/GNDR 237 - Psychology of Gender
  • PSYC 322 - Positive Psychology w/Lab
  • PSYC 413 - Community Psychology w/CBL
  • PSYC 465 - Applied Behavior Analysis Seminar
  • PSYC 4021 - Determinants of Well-Being
  • ANTH 270. Plagues and Peoples.
  • ANTH 3072. Medicines and Meanings.
  • ANTH 4020. Anthropology of the Body.
  • ANTH 4024. Paleoepidemiology.
  • BIOL 231. Microbiology with Lab.
  • BIOL 245/246. Genetics.
  • BIOL/ANTH 258. Ethnobotany w/ Lab.
  • BIOL 288. Introduction to Neuroscience with Lab.
  • BIOL 315. Human Nutrition.
  • BIOL 333. Immunology with Lab.
  • BIOL 350. Cancer Biology.
  • BIOL 388. Drugs and the Brain with Lab.
  • BIOL 389. Advanced Neuroscience.
  • BIOL/GS/REL 412. Cross Cultural Healing.
  • CHEM 106. Chemistry and Environment.
  • CHEM 306. Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology.
  • CHEM 3002. Environmental Justice.
  • ECON 4009. Health Economics.
  • EDUC/ GNDR 325. Sexuality Education.
  • ENG 190/EL/FRPG 2039. EL: Literary Journalism, Food Production, & the Environ.
  • ENG 3076: The Cyborg in Literature and Film
  • ENVS 231: Health Effects of Pollution.
  • ENVS 323: Environmental Epidemiology.
  • ENVS 3074: Intro to Environmental and Occupational Health
  • ENVS 3050/4025: Natural History of Infectious Disease.
  • ENVS 4041: Issues in Environmental Health.
  • ENVS 4042: Taming Trash.
  • FRPG 1017CBL: Green College (Health Activism).
  • FR 3047/AFS 3045/ENG 3064: Zombies, Epidemics, & Illnesses in the Francophone World.
  • GOVT/GNDR 315: Feminist Political Theory.
  • GOVT/ENVS 343: Ecology & Political Thought.
  • GNDR 224. Global Advocacy for Women’s Sexual Health.
  • GNDR 3066. Girls, Interrupted: Disability, Health, & the Female Body in American Culture.
  • GNDR 369. Making Sexualities.
  • GNDR 4020. Dis/Ability, Gender and Health.
  • GNDR 4036. De/constructing Health Differences
  • GS 101. Political Economy.
  • GS 102. Race, Culture and Identity.
  • GS 265. Global Population Issues.
  • GS 268. Global Health and Justice.
  • GS 324. Solutions to Global Crisis. Global Public Goods.
  • GS 333. Ethics of Global Citizenship
  • GS 365. Rethinking Population, Health, and Environment.
  • HIST 213. Global Environmental History.
  • HIST 215. US Environmental History.
  • HIST/AFS 294. Medicine and Empire: Global Health in Historical Perspective.
  • HIST 3107. Black Death.
  • HIST 4017/AFS 4015. Health and Healing in Africa.
  • PCA/GNDR 335 Sex Talk.
  • PCA/GNDR 343. Taboo Performances: Body Politics. (DIV)
  • PCA 370. Against Health. Rhetoric and the Health Humanities.
  • PH 3001. Basic Principles of Epidemiology.
  • PH 3008. Maternal and Child Health
  • PH 3009. Introduction to Health Humanities
  • PH 3010. COVID in Asia
  • PH 4001. Social Determinants of Health.
  • PH 4003. Population Approaches to Mental Health.
  • PHIL 232. Africana Philosophy. (DIV)
  • PHIL 354. Bioethics with CBL.
  • PHIL 4016. Philosophy of Psychiatry.
  • PSYC 207. Developmental Psychology.
  • PSYC 237: Psychology of Gender.
  • PSYC 256. Health Psychology.
  • PSYC 317. Abnormal Psychology.
  • PSYC 318. Environmental Psychology.
  • PSYC 322. Positive Psychology.
  • PSYC 413. Community Psychology with CBL.
  • PSYC 456. Health Psychology.
  • PSYC 4014/GNDR 4030. Seminar in the Psychology of Human Sexuality.
  • PSYC 4021: Determinants of Well-Being.
  • REL 205. Hebrew Bible: Promises, Plagues and Prophecy
  • REL 3024/GNDR 3025. Women, Religion and Food.
  • REL 3039/ASIA 3054. Yoga Transformations
  • SOC 110. Global Problems
  • SOC 187. Environment and Society.
  • SOC 225. Women’s Health and Aging.
  • SOC 227. Kenya: Healthcare Delivery in a Developing Country.
  • SOC 233. Consuming Food
  • SOC 246. Aging and Society. (w/ CBL)
  • SOC 253. Race, Class and Environmental Justice.
  • SOC 3113/ENVS 3061NS. Green Café. (DIV)
  • SOC 4010. Recreation and Resistance.
  • SPAN 104/201. Medical Spanish.
  • SSES 230. Principles of Health and Wellness.
  • SSES 3024SOP. Sophomore Seminar: Somatic Transformation: From Self to Social Justice with CBL.