Pedagogy Travel Request Form
Tenure-track and tenured faculty members may access funds to attend pedagogy conferences. If the faculty member is presenting at a pedagogy conference (including but not limited to presenting a poster or paper, running a workshop or participating on a panel), conference-related expenses will be reimbursed up to $1400. If the faculty member is attending but not presenting at the conference, reimbursement will be up to $1100. Each tenured or tenure-track faculty member is eligible to attend one pedagogy conference per year. Requests for funding should be submitted in advance of the travel.
Requests must be for conferences dedicated to the improvement of teaching and learning that either cross disciplinary boundaries and focus on teaching, or for discipline-specific conferences devoted to the improvement of teaching and learning in that discipline. Requests for pedagogy funding for faculty to travel to professional disciplinary meetings that, along with the usual scholarly panels, also contain a small number of sessions on pedagogical issues, are not eligible for this funding, and should be funded through the regular professional travel process.