Family Care Expenses Allowance During Travel

Family Care Expenses Allowance

Tenured, tenure-track, and visiting faculty and exempt academic support staff may request to be reimbursed for family member primary care expenses from professional travel funds administered by the Academic Dean’s Office. If the full-time faculty or academic support staff member is away from their normal family member care structures and services when engaged in professional travel, they may request up to $50 per diem for family member care [FMC] expenses up to a total of $300 per academic year. No receipts are required. The funds from which FMC expenses while away from normal care structures and services may be requested are: professional travel, pedagogy travel, Deans’ Office grants when professional travel has been approved--scholarly development awards (small grants), faculty research fellowship awards (large grants), mid-career faculty grants for building inclusive scholarship and creative activities, and start-up funds). The total amount of funding available from each of these funding sources remains the same.