Explanation of Pay Advice

The top half of the statement contains information under the following headings:

Type - Code indicating whether payment is regular salary, stipend, overtime, holiday pay, etc. Shift differential earned on overtime hours are reported as a part of overtime.

Hours - For hourly employees only, number of hours for each salary type is reported.

Amount - The amount paid for each salary type is reported.

Code - Code indicating the type of tax or other withholding not associated with benefits is reported. Examples include SSEC for Social Security, FWHM for Federal Withholding Married.

Current - Amount withheld from the current salary payment for each of the codes described above are reported.

Yr to Date - Amount withheld from salary payments since January 1 for each code described above are reported.

Description - Each benefit for which an employee contribution amount is withheld are reported. Examples include TIAA-CREF Red and Long Term Liability.

Current - Amount withheld from the current salary payment for each benefit described above are reported.

Yr to Date - Amount withheld from salary payments since January 1 for each benefit described above are reported.


Below this section of columns is a list of the amounts deposited on behalf of the employee which includes information regarding the financial institutions, accounts and amounts deposited on behalf of the employee.

The bottom part of this top section of the advice displays total amounts paid in the calendar year for the employee's gross salary, total taxes, total deductions for benefits and other withholdings, and total net pay. Each of these are clearly indicated with appropriate headings. For hourly employees, information is also provided regarding amount of vacation earned, used, and the balance remaining.

The bottom section of the pay advice has a similar appearance to a check indicating who payment is issued to and the net amount. The statement Non-Negotiable is printed on the statement, however, which indicates that it is not a check.

Pay advice statements may be printed on a local computer. Users should close the window when done viewing their pay advice and log out when done using Webadvisor.