Laurentians on a tour of the US Capital

Political Science

About Our Program

You possess a profound ability to create change. Our program will help you harness this potential and understand your role in local, national, and international governments. To do so, you’ll analyze power structures, dive deep into the issues you care about, compare political institutions in diverse regions of the world, and communicate compelling, original arguments as you examine and form your own opinions. 

Under the mentorship of faculty and alumni with real-world experience and connections, you’ll also investigate the career fields that interest youwhether they’re in policy, advocacy, non-profit, or private sector work.

Learning Experiences to Prepare for Your Career

As you study political science, you won’t just learn about the issues, people, and institutions that spark your curiosity and affect your community—you’ll engage with them through opportunities on and off campus.

St. Lawrence University Fellows Program

Our faculty are known for the close relationships they build with every student, which often turn into faculty-mentored summer research projects. Apply for a fellowship to spend eight weeks in the North Country digging into a topic you’re passionate about with your mentor as your advisor. 

Senior Year Experience (SYE) Honors Thesis

Once you’ve discovered a topic you’re passionate about, spend your senior year investigating it as you conduct research and work one-on-one with a faculty advisor. Along the way, you’ll hone your ability to evaluate sources, synthesize original ideas, and make a convincing case for your findingslike James Lehner ‘20, who argued in favor of expanding the field of swing states in the presidential election.

Learn About Research at St. Lawrence

Past Internships

Apply what you’ve learned in class in the real world. Our active and enthusiastic alumni network is eager to help you explore internships at a number of organizations, including: 

  • The World Bank
  • U.S. Embassy, London 
  • Massachusetts State Senate
  • Rock the Vote
  • The Aspen Institute
  • The Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • Brookings Institute, African Security Initiative

Live and Learn in the Heart of the County

As the seat of St. Lawrence County, Canton is a hub of political activity. You’ll have opportunities to experience the inner-workings of local politics, volunteer for congressional campaigns, or even intern in the district attorney’s or public defenders’ offices. 

St. Lawrence Public Interest Corps (SLU PIC)

Future advocates and agents of change like you can apply to gain a better understanding of the local public interest and non-profit landscape through the Public Interest Corps. You’ll live on campus over the summer as you help to combat food insecurity, empower entrepreneurship, address public health issues, or preserve local history with organizations like:

  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • GardenShare
  • Planned Parenthood of North Country, New York
  • Frederick Remington Art Museum
  • St. Lawrence Land Trust
  • St. Lawrence County Community Development Program
  • St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce

Learn About Internships

Study Abroad

Take your academic passions abroad and enrich your understanding of different national governments and international relations. Choose from more than 30 semester-long programs offered in more than 20 international locations, including Kenya, London, China, Spain, and Jordan.

Study in Our Nation's Capital 

Spend a semester living, learning, and working in Washington D.C., where you’ll take on an internship and become a part of the city’s vibrant and fast-paced ecosystem. You’ll gain professional experience and have plenty of opportunities to connect with our helpful and enthusiastic alumni community. 

Work-Study Opportunities

Both the London Program and the Kenya Semester Program include month-long work-study placements, which can directly reflect your academic interests. You may end up working in the office of a member of parliament in the United Kingdom or for a healthcare non-profit empowering rural communities in East Africa. 

Short-Term Trips 

In addition to semester- and year-long programs, you’ll also have the chance to participate in short-term travel study trips with faculty members. That could mean spending the afternoon in Ottawa with your Canadian studies class or enrolling in a summer trip to Croatia for an on-the-ground perspective on identity in the Balkans.

Explore Our Programs

Connect with Community

Among the 150+ clubs and organizations at St. Lawrence, you’ll find many that involve political science, government, advocacy, leadership, public affairs, and international relations, including: 

  • The Advocates 
  • Environmental Action Organization 
  • SLU Legal
  • Andrew Goodman Foundation
  • SLU Democrats
  • Literacy for Nepal
  • Model United Nations
  • Model Organization of American States
  • The Hill News
  • SLU Adaptive
  • Rotaract
  • PLEN: Preparing Women to Lead
  • Planned Parenthood Generation Action
  • Ubuntu. 
  • Thelomathesian Society
  • Spectrum

Learn More About Student Life a St. Lawrence 

Alumni Network 

St. Lawrence graduates are big thinkers, problem solvers, and fearless leaders at companies and organizations across the country and world. Our alumni network is the second-most influential source for recent graduate employment (only behind internships).

Explore the Power of our Alumni Network


Laurentians do not seem to shy away from complex challenges, and those working in public policy or advocating for change to enhance the lives of others are part of a growing community of alumni.

Learn About Success After St. Lawrence

Why St. Lawrence for Political Science

A person with short brown hair sits at a round table, working on a silver MacBook laptop. They are wearing a dark t-shirt and appear focused on their work. The setting is a cozy indoor space with upholstered chairs and stone walls in the background.

U.S. Dept. of State Diplomacy Lab

Thanks to an official partnership with the United States Department of State (DoS) for its Diplomacy Lab program, you'll have the unique opportunity to impact real-world foreign policy issues. Work alongside career diplomats as you explore a wide range of issues such as climate change, corruption, cybersecurity, data analytics, economic crises, migration, human rights, and terrorism.

Read About the Lab


of recent St. Lawrence graduates majoring in a social science field are employed or continuing their education within a year


of students majoring in political science complete at least one internship over the course of their academic career

A person rides an all terrain bicycle on a dirt trail in the woods.

Alumni at Work: Advocacy in Action

Laurentians don't shy away from complex challenges. That's why many St. Lawrence graduates go on to work in public policy and advocate for change.

Read About Alums Making a Difference


miles to Ottawa, making St. Lawrence the closest liberal arts college to another country’s capital

Phil Duggan sits on a leather chair in front of a bookcase and several rows of red, leather-bound books.

Outcomes: Capitalizing on St. Lawrence’s Connection to Cornell Law School

Phil Duggan ’15 is a recipient of the St. Lawrence University-Cornell Law School Scholarship and a 2021 graduate of Cornell Law School. 

Read About His Career Journey


Best Private School Alumni Network

The Princeton Review, 2024


Our students say our alumni network is the second most influential source for employment (only behind internships)

More Program Information

Program Requirements & Courses

Explore political science major requirements, as well as electives and combined study options.

Complementary and Related Programs

We offer four combined studies programs which allow you to pair your passion for political science with another major area of study.

Popular Double Majors with This Program
A group of seven people stands in front of the United States Capitol building on a cloudy day. They are all dressed in business casual attire and wearing conference lanyards around their necks. The ground is wet, indicating recent rain.

SLU Connect Trips

Spend part of your winter break connecting with alumni where they live and work, and get a sense of how political science majors like you are making an impact across the country—from Burlington, Vermont, to Washington, D.C.

Learn More About our Signature Programs

An Active Alumni Network

The Department of the Interior. The U.S. Senate. New York Amsterdam News. The World Wildlife Fund. Our alumni may have some impressive careers, but what really stands out is their enthusiasm for giving back to current students.

Explore Our Network
Laurentians standing in front of the FBI

Law School Guidance

A liberal arts education is an excellent foundation for law school. Several political science majors have pursued law as a career and were guided by their professors, our Pre-Law Advising Committee, and the Center for Career Excellence.

A group of Saint Lawrence students stand next to a railing overlooking water while abroad in France. White and brown building are in the background.

Global Perspectives

Our department’s expertise and courses cover all regions of the world. For example, you can study international politics on campus and put your education into practice in locations like France, Austria, London, Kenya, and more!

Learn More About Off-Campus Study 

Get More Information

We’re excited to learn more about you, tell you more about our interdisciplinary academic programs, show you around our beautiful campus, and help you navigate your college search.

Apply to St. Lawrence

We’re looking for curious students who are eager to make a difference. We take a holistic approach to reviewing applications and consider all aspects of your application and what we learn about you.