Past Mackay Lectures
- 1984-5: Hilary Putnam: “Faith, Fact, and Fiction”
- 1985-6: Diana L. Eck: “The Manyness of God”
- 1986-7: Daniel Dennett: “Moral Thinking Under Time Pressure”
- 1987-8: Eric Meyers: “Early Judaism and Christianity in Light of Archaeology”
- 1988-9: Alasdair MacIntyre: “The Objectivity of Good”
- 1989-90: Jaroslav Pelikan: “Philosophia as Woman: The Allegorical Vision of Boethius”
- 1990-1: Martha Nussbaum: “Aristotle on Human Nature and the Foundation of Ethics”
- 1991-2: Wendy Doniger: “When God has Lipstick on His Collar: Theological Implications of Divine Adultery”
- 1992-3: William Bennett: “Challenges in American Education”
- 1993-4: Phyllis Trible: “A Feminist Reads the Bible”
- 1994-5: Thomas Nagel: “Relativism and Reason”
- 1995-6: Elie Wiesel: “The Eternal Question of Suffering and Evil”
- 1998-9: Amartya Sen: "Environmental Valuation and Social Ethics"
- 1999-2000: Lawrence E. Sullivan: “Enchanting Powers: The Sounds of Religious Experience”
- 2000-1: Bas C. van Fraassen: “Scientific Revolution/Conversion as a Philosophical Problem”
- 2000-1: Helen Longino: "Individualism & Folk Psychology in the Scientific Study of Aggression”
- 2001-2: Panel: Charlotte Fonrobert, Jacqueline Armijo-Hussein, Mary Hunt, Hyun Kyung Chung: Panel on "Women, God, Power: Crossing Boundaries." Fonrobert: "When Women (do not) Walk in the Ways of their Fathers: Jewish Tradition and Feminist Innovation," Armijo-Hussein: "Educate a Woman, Educate a Nation," Hunt: "Catholic Feminism: Hybridity or Contradiction?" Chung: "Salimist Manifesto: A Korean Ecofeminist Spirituality."
- 2002-3: Edouard Glissant: “When A Voice is Missing in the World”
- 2003-4: Mark Salzman
- 2004-5: Elizabeth Lloyd: “The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution"
- 2005-6: Rev. Richard Gilbert: "Through the Eye of a Needle: Is Economic Justice an Oxymoron?"
- 2006-7: Dale Jamieson: "The Moral and Political Challenges of Climate Change"
- 2007-8: Christopher Hitchens: “God is Not Great”
- 2008-9: Linda Martin Alcoff: "Can Whites be a Part of the Rainbow?"
- 2009-10: Peter J. Gomes: “What Dare we Expect”
- 2010-11: Eduardo Mendieta: “To Come to the World: The Ethics of Cohabitation”
- 2011-12: Bart Ehrman: “Misquoting Jesus: Scribes Who Changed the Scriptures and Readers Who May Never Know”
- 2012-13: Hal Roth: “Contemplative Studies and the Liberal Arts”
- 2012-13: Speaker Series featuring: Ann Cahill, "Recognition, Desire and Unjust Sex," Shannon Mussett, "The Origins of Patriarchy in The Second Sex" and John Lysaker, "We Are Not Ourselves: and Emersonian Humanities."
- 2013-14: Robert Segal: “Is the Earth a Goddess”
- 2014-15: Tom Kasulis, "From Detachment to Engagement: A Challenge to How We Think, Learn, and Understand"
- 2015-16: Robert Geraci: “Four Techniques of the Apocalypse: The Futurist Blend of Religion, Technology, and the End of Time”
- 2016-17: Angela Davis, "Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Histories and Current Realities"
- 2017-18: Michael Muhammad Knight, “Is Allah a Muslim? Five Percenters, Islam, and Blackness.”
- 2018-19: Lisa Guenther, "No Prisons on Stolen Land: Abolition and Decolonization as Interconnected Struggles"
- 2020-21: Cailin O'Connor, "The Misinformation Age"
- 2021-22: Anthony Pinn, “Is It Really ‘Alright’? Kendrick Lamar on Death and Dying in the USA”
- 2022-23: Dr. Kate Manne, “Demoralizing Fatness”
- 2023-24: Dr. David Morgan, “The Visual Culture of Revelation”
- 2024-24: Dr. Michael Strevens