Asian Studies Courses

Multi-Regional Courses

Departmental Offerings


208.        Ancient Civilizations.

Art and Art History

217.        Buddhist Art and Ritual.

Digital Media and Film

271.        World Cinema.**

Global Studies

225.        Asian Political Economy in the Global Age.


324.        Asia: Beyond the Great Wall


125.        Early Asian Civilizations. Also offered as HIST 105.

126.        Modern Asia. (also offered as HIST 106)


103.        Philosophy East and West: An Introduction.

223.        Asian Philosophy.

Religious Studies

222.        Buddhist Religious Traditions.

224.        Islamic Religious Traditions.

Elective Courses

Departmental Offerings


208.        Ancient Civilizations.

Art and Art History

212.        Icons of Islamic Architecture. (South Asia)

217.        Buddhist Art and Ritual. (East/South Asia)

218.        Arts of South Asia. (South Asia)

319.        Gender Issues in Asian Art. (South Asia)


258.        Ethnobotany. (South/Southeast Asia)

380.        Tropical Ecology.** (South/Southeast Asia)

Film and Representation Studies

271.        World Cinema.**

Global Studies

225.        Asian Political Economy in the Global Age.


105.        Comparative Politics.** (East Asia)

291.        Research Seminar: China’s Rise. (East Asia)

322.        Chinese Politics. (East Asia)

324.        Asia: Beyond the Great Wall


126.        Modern Asia. Also offered as HIST 106.

282.        Modern Japan. (East Asia)

292.        Revolutionary China. (East Asia)

377.        Colloquium in Asian History (topics vary)

475-476. SYE: Seminar in Asian History. (East Asia)

World Languages, Cultures, and Media

Chinese 101,102.  Elementary Chinese.

Chinese 103, 104. Intermediate Chinese.

Chinese 201, 202, Advanced Chinese.

232.        Chinese Culture through Fictin and Film* (East Asia) Also offered as LTRN 232 and FILM 232.

234.        Chinese Literature and Film.* (East Asia) Also offered as LTRN 234 and FILM 234.

489, 490. SYE: Independent Study. (East Asia)


210.        Musics of the World.**

244.        Musics of South Asia. (South Asia)


103.        Philosophy East and West: An Introduction.

223.        Asian Philosophy.

Religious Studies

221.        Religious Life of India. (South Asia)

222.        Buddhist Religious Traditions.

224.        Islamic Religious Traditions.

226.        The Religious Life of Japan. (East Asia)

227.        The Religious Life of China. (East Asia)

228.        Fantasy Religion. (East Asia). Also offered as REL 218.

331.        Pilgrimage as a Spiritual Journey.

334.        The Ways of the Gods: Shinto in Modern Japan. (East Asia)

450, 451. Directed Studies in Religion.**

*Literature in Translation courses

**These courses receive Asian studies credit at the discretion of the instructor and the Asian studies program.

Special Topics courses with Asian content may be counted toward the minor and combined majors at the program coordinator’s discretion.