Worthington: Jeffrey Campbell's Legacy in Three Essays

- Winston Room, Sullivan Student Center

Join us for a discussion with HEOP alum Dr. Steve Peraza (’06) about the legacy of Jeffrey Campbell – poet, essayist, educator, and SLU’s first African American graduate. Note that Jeffrey Campbell matriculated at SLU in 1929, making this year the 95th anniversary of that historic event.

Worthington: Jeffrey Campbell's Legacy in Three Essays

 As students of Jeffrey W. Campbell for all these years, we still marvel at his bold vision for an ideal university, particularly by his empathy for socioeconomic struggles of his Laurentian classmates during the Great Depression. As well, we admire his defiance of racial essentialism, even as the only African American student in St. Lawrence between 1929 and 1933. All this we glean from three essays in a lifetime of service and impact. If there were anyone “Worthington” of a biography, it is Jeffrey W. Campbell.

Join Dr. Steve Peraza on March 7, and we will begin to write Campbell’s biography together, as Laurentians invested in the legacy of one of our own.