April 2018 Safety Committee Minutes



Chairperson:       Bill Ritchie, Co-Chair

Present:                Pat Gagnon, Kasarian Dane, Nick Ormasen, Jim Kozsan, Susan Johnson (secretary), Marcus Sherburne, Suna Stone, Cindy Atkins, Ethan Townsend, Jill Pflugheber and Sharmela Garcia-Martin


Apologies:            Timothy Corbitt, Tim Kinch, Dan Seaman, Marsha Sawyer, Nancy Alessi, David Richer, Stacy Vassar, Mary Charleston, Eric Shinnick and Stacie Olney-LaPierre


Open comments, introductions and guests

Approval of the Minutes

Old Business:

  1. Suna Stone and Jaclyn teRiele are writing an innovation grant proposal for First Aid Backpack kits for courses that conduct classes off campus in the field. They have asked the Safety Committee for a letter of support. CLOSED.  Bill Ritchie sent a letter of support  in for the backpack kits.


  1. Kasarian Dane asked about active shooter training particularly in his area that is very open and public. CLOSED. Pat Gagnon will conduct a table top drill with the Safety Committee and work to make the St. Lawrence community more aware of the active shooter training available to all. CLOSED.  There is a lunch and learn being presented on Wednesday, April 11 at 12:00 noon in the Hannon Room sponsored by Safety & Security and Human Resources.


  1. With Spring coming we will ask Marcus Sherburne to attend next meeting to go over the Pesticide application plan. CLOSED.  Marcus stressed that nothing is applied with students on campus. Pretty much following the same plan as last year.

New Business:

  1. Sharmela brought up concern that she has noticed that the drive through A and B- Lots is and can be dangerous with runners and people walking that road.  It is not safe especially at night with the risk of them getting hit.  Is there a way that a side walk can be created for everyone involved and minimizing any potential accidents?  Jim and Marcus will look into lighting; relamping is a possibility. Suna also came up with a suggestion of having the bookstore have a display of safety vests and lights to have more lighted athletes vs. non-lighted athletes.


  1. Evacuation diagrams are now required in all dormitories/student housing per NYS Fire Code. The diagram is required to show two evacuation routes and is to be posted on or immediately adjacent to each egress door from each sleeping unit. There are currently 1,438 residential rooms on campus, including the Theme Houses. Environmental Health and Safety is working with SLU GIS Dep’t and Facilities Operations on creating necessary diagrams. The deadline for this requirement is 8/31/18. By the end of the month everything should be digitized and the August deadline is looking good. 


  1. Marcus S. and Pat G. met with Becky Allen from SLC Public Health to discuss becoming a POD location again. They will work on an MOU and keep the committee advised.


  1. Mary Charleston brought up a concern of the crosswalk signs being level with students’ heads creating blind spots for drivers. Jim Kozsan said that the plan is to raise them as part of the Park Street Lighting project to convene during the summer of 2018.


  1. Park Street Lighting has been approved in the second tranche of the capital process and we anticipate a summer of 2018 installation of new LED lighting and new poles.  The LED lighting and poles will mirror our proto-type which is located at the crosswalk near 53 Park Street.  The second phase of the project will consist of new stamped crosswalks and painting which will be contingent on approval within the capital process.  90% of bases have been poured and Augsbury Circle has two new poles already installed.


  1. 1st draft of Drone policy drafted by Suna and Pat.  Committee to meet and review.


6.     Tim Corbitt raised concern students have over crosswalk safety from campus to Price Chopper; there is not a crosswalk from upper East Main until the intersection of SR 310/SR 68 and US 11. Pat Gagnon to discuss with Chief James Santimaw; Canton PD.  Since this is a State Road Village of Canton would have to make request from NYSDOT which they have done 2x already. Letter of support to Buildings & Grounds Committee which will hopefully move on to the Village’s Complete Streets Committee and/or Master Trails Committee for review and action.  Marcus Sherburne shared his concern of maintenance of paths/trails; seasonal usage? Lighting? Curb cuts? The committee reviewed and discussed the letter of support for the bike path and cross walk proposal and Canton Connector diagrams. Bill Ritchie contacted Ken Bibbons who is the Regional Traffic Engineer with NYSDOT. Ken informed that NYSDOT will need another request from the Village of Canton for proper review. 


Future Meetings:


The next Safety Committee meeting will be Friday, May 4, 2018.  It is requested that any new business to be added to the Agenda be forwarded to Susan Johnson no later than April 27, 2018.


There being no further business, the meeting closed.




Susan C. Johnson

Assistant to the AVP of Safety & Security and

Emergency Management

Safety & Security

St. Lawrence University | Canton, NY 13617 | 315-229-5010/5554