

Jafarian, A., Kakemem, U., Husinec, A., Mehrabi, H., Pouyafard, Z., Ghasemi, M., Senemari, S., Saboor, A., Wang, C., 2025. Syn- and post-depositional influences on reservoir quality of the Aptian Dariyan Formation, eastern Persian Gulf. Petroleum Geoscience, in press.


Jafarian, A., Kakemem, U., Husinec, A., Mehrabi, H., Javanbakht, M.,  Wang, C., Chen, X., li, Y., 2024, Depositional facies and diagenetic control on reservoir quality of the Aptian Dariyan Formation, NW Persian Gulf, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 165, #106895,

Jafarian, A., Husinec, A., Wang, C., Chen, X., Wang, M., Gröcke, D.R., Saboor, A., Li, Y.,  2024, Intrashelf basin record of redox and productivity changes along the Arabian margin of Neo-Tethys during Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 636, #111975 (16 pp.),


Husinec, A., Read, J.F, 2023, Milankovitch record from Middle Jurassic platform supports moderate coolhouse glaciation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, v. 38, e2023PA004680 (14 pp),

Jafarian, A., Husinec, A., Wang, C., Chen, X., Saboor, A., Li, Y., 2023, Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a) in the shallow, carbonate-dominated intrashelf Kazhdumi Basin, Zagros Mountains. Sedimentology, v. 70, p. 1981-2014,

Husinec, A., Read, J.F. & Kemp, D.B., 2023, Orbital forcing of Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) shallow-water carbonates, Tethyan Adriatic Platform, Croatia evaluated using synthetic vs. real data sets. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 622, #111617,

Kakemem, U., Ghasemi, M., Adabi, M.H., Husinec, A., Mahmoudi, A., Anderskouv, K., 2023, Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of automated hydraulic flow units – the Permian Upper Dalan Formation, Persian Gulf. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 147, #105965 (24 pp),


Radwan, A., Husinec, A., Benjumea, B., Kassem, A., El Aal, A.A., Hakimi, M.H., Thanh, H.V., Abdel-Fattah, M.I., Shehata, A.A., 2022, Diagenetic overprint on porosity and permeability of a combined conventional-unconventional reservoir: Insights from the Eocene pelagic limestones, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 146, #105967 (20 pp.),

Husinec, A., Read, J.F., Prtoljan, B., 2022, Middle and Late Jurassic record of sea-level, sequence development, and carbon-isotope fluctuations, Tethyan Adriatic Carbonate Platform, Croatia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 599, #111030 (25 pp.),

Husinec, A., Leslie, A.S., 2022, Continuous record of Upper Ordovician (Katian) to lower Silurian (Telychian) global δ13C excursions in the Williston Basin. Terra Nova, v. 34, p. 314-322,

Husinec, A., Read, J.F., 2022, Assessing Milankovitch forcing in disconformity-prone cyclic shallow-water carbonates, Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian), Adriatic Platform, Croatia. Sedimentology, v. 69, p. 1789-1815,

Ghasemi, M., Kakemem, U., Husinec, A., 2022, Automated approach to reservoir zonation: a case study from the Upper Permian Dalan (Khuff) carbonate ramp, Persian Gulf. Journal of  Natural Gas Research and Engineering, v. 97, #104332 (13 pp.),

*Wambach, G.A. and Stewart, A.K., 2022, Evaluation of measurement data across eight GIS basemaps using drumlins: combining basemaps is optimal:  Compass, v. 92, i. 1, 17pp,

Stewart A.K., 2022, Sustainability of US Army Agribusiness Development Team Efforts: A Decade in Afghanistan. In: Bondesan A., Ehlen J. (eds) Military Geoscience: A Multifaceted Approach to the Study of Warfare. Advances in Military Geosciences. Springer, Cham. pp. 247-266.


Kakemem, U., Jafarian, A., Husinec, A., Adabi, M.H., & Mahmoudi, A., 2021, Facies, sequence framework, and reservoir quality along a Triassic carbonate ramp: Kangan Formation, South Pars Field, Persian Gulf Superbasin. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 198, #108166 (17 pp.).,

Husinec, A., Harvey, L.A., 2021, Late Ordovician climate and sea-level record in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic-evaporite lithofacies, Williston Basin, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 561, #110054 (19 pp.),

*Whitney, R., Stewart, A.K., Hubbard, T., *Kowalski, A. and *Wilkerson, O., 2021, Resolving a one-year ecesis interval using boulder-top Alaskan paper birches:  Wishbone Hill, Southcentral Alaska: Compass, v. 91, issue 1, article 4:

Freimuth, E., Diefendorf, A., Lowell, T., Schartman, A., Landis, J., Stewart, A., Xu, L., Bates, B., 2021, Centennial-scale age offsets of plant was n-alkanes in Adirondack lake sediments:  Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, v. 300, pp. 119-136, .


Fallah-Bagtash, R., Jafarian, A., Husinec, A., Adabi, M.A., 2020, Diagenetic stabilization of the Upper Permian Dalan Formation, Persian Gulf Basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 189, #104144 (13 pp.),

Corcoran, M.C., Deifendorf, A., Lowell, T., Freimuth, E., Schartman, A., Bates, B., Stewart, A., Bird, B., 2020, Hydrogen isotopes (d2H) of diatom-derived C20 highly branched isoprenoids from lake sediments track lake water d2H:  Organic Chemistry, v. 150, 11 pp.,

Schartman, A., Deifendorf, A., Lowell, T., Freimuth, E., Stewart, A., Bates, B., 2020, Stable source of Holocene spring precipitation recorded in leaf wax hydrogen isotope ratios from two New York lakes: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 240, 17pp.

Freimuth, E.J., Diefendorf, A.F., Lowell, T.V., Bates, B.R., Schartman, A, Broxton, B., Landis, J. and Stewart, A.K., 2020, Contrasting sensitivity of lake sediment n-alkanoic acids and n-alkanes to basin-scale vegetation and regional-scale precipitation δ2H in the Adirondack Mountains, NY (USA): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 268, pp. 22-41,


Husinec, A., Loree, P.E., Murphy, J.T., Jr., 2019, Degrading windward patch reefs and processes influencing composition, mineralogy and stable-isotope record of peri-reefal sediment, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Facies, v. 65, #39 (20 pp.).

*Walser, S. and Stewart, A., 2019, Earthquake-rotated headstones as a means of re-evaluating epicentral location for the 1944 Massena-Cornwall earthquake: The Compass, v. 90, article 1,