The PLEN logo, which is "PLEN" in large purple letters framed by a green line the descends vertically from the top of the N then underlines the letters in PLEN. Under the green line, text reads "Preparing You to Lead" in black.

PLEN Public Policy Seminar - Registration Deadline

General Event

PLEN's mission is to empower, educate, and engage women and marginalized gender groups in public policy to promote diverse, inclusive leadership in policy making.

The Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN) is the only national organization [nonpartisan 501(c)(3)] with the sole focus of preparing college women and marginalized gender groups for leadership in the public policy arena.

PLEN's Public Policy Seminar will be held from January 9-13, 2023. Participants will explore how to influence the policy issues they are passionate about and learn the range of professional opportunities and skills required to be successful. Over the course of the seminar, students will network and learn from leaders on Capitol Hill, the executive branch, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private corporations.

St. Lawrence has limited funding for students interested in PLEN seminars. If you are interested in attending, email Samantha Johnson. The registration deadline is December 19, 2022.

Visit PLEN to learn more and register