2023 James Ligon Price III Memorial Prize in Poetry Contest

General Event
Image of a quill pen and ink well

2023 James Ligon Price III Memorial Prize in Poetry

Submissions are being accepted for the 2023 James Ligon Price III Memorial Prize in Poetry offered in conjunction with the Academy of American Poets University & College Poetry Prize Program.  Submissions are due Friday, November 10, 2023.  Winners will be announced on Moving-Up Day 2024.  First Place is a cash award and 1-year membership in the AAP.  Second and third place are cash awards.  Submissions will be judged by Poet Jason Koo.

 To enter:
            • Submit 1 to 3 poems in pdf format to kwhittier@stlawu.edu
          • Attach a cover sheet indicating the title(s) of submitted poem(s),
              the author’s name, email, and an on-campus mail box number

          • Be sure that the poems themselves contain NO identifying information
          • All submissions are due by 4 pm on Friday,  November 10, 2023
          • The contest is open to current SLU students only

Questions ~ Email English Department Office ~ kwhittier@stlawu.edu